• 22 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2020


  • They were very foolish not to purge the military after the last time. At the very least they should have set up armed people’s militias or something to counter and check them if even a little if it wasn’t possible to purge the military.

    Fact is the US is going to continue trying to coup Bolivia forever, well as long as lithium has value to their plans which is going to be some time. That and the fact they buck the US to do things like try to join BRICS+ and yeah this is incredibly obvious and they really should have done more to secure ideological loyalty of the mid-level officers and troops.

    And sooner or later and this may be the time already, it may already be too late, they’re not going to care about keeping the mask on, they’ll just straight up tell their puppets to massacre anyone giving them serious resistance and then go around jailing, torturing, killing those from the old government as is the usual modus operandi.

  • It’s really unclear. They shot down 4/5, the 5th which had cluster munitions (themselves unacceptable to use on anything but large columns of armor and troops and even then the risk of unexploded ordinance from them makes their use if not a war crime at least borderline because they will be killing civilians after a conflict) veered off course according to Russia and blew up over a crowded beach.

    The problem here is why it veered off course. Of course Ukraine defenders would probably claim it was damaged and veered off because of that, on the other hand we know for a fact that if they can’t find anything else to hit the Ukrainians have admitted to steering munitions into civilians and maybe this was a case of them veering off the last one so it wouldn’t get shot down and deciding to hit civilians instead. We just don’t know. What we do know is if the US was intimately involved then they’re responsible. Further that the US/NATO supplied the weapons. Further that they’ve never stopped supplying weapons despite knowing for years they’re used in terrorist attacks on civilians.

  • Could be part of some existing agreement. Maybe they’re duplicates of things on display and this way they can lend them to another country for viewing and hedge against the country falling apart and looting.

    Egypt would never attack the occupation of Palestine, the US wouldn’t let them and Sissi seems compliant. So the only other things I can think of would be either an expectation of a regional conflict with Hezbollah and Iran that gets very intense (with Egypt on the side of the US probably so on the receiving end) and/or their military and/or people rising up and a civil war or collapse situation emerging because they’re very upset about the genocide happening next door while their US puppet leader does nothing.

  • The problem with threats like this is the west hasn’t and never will face the plethora of well armed and trained, organized, and intel supplied insurgencies that Russia and others in the axis of resistance face because the west are the ones who have spent years, decades cultivating them.

    I’ve often thought of this but let’s say you want to hit the US. There are no groups you could give it to. The cartels in Mexico would never provoke the US like that and they’re the closest to a non-west affiliated armed organization (with greater than a few dozen members who could easily be killed) operating within 3000 miles of the US. Same in Europe. Most Russia could do without starting a war by handing them to a group not currently fighting and telling them to start would be to target the Zionist occupation of Palestine by handing such weapons over to groups in that region.

    So it’s an empty threat without years of groundwork and millions of dollars. The only real options Russia has are to put more weapons into the Middle East that will stay and be used there or to directly strike without hope of denial or obfuscation at the west or their client states directly which looks like escalation.

  • We’re not anywhere near a revolutionary moment. 30% of the country is convinced Russian influence operations control a lot of the country and installed Trump and are trying to destroy the US entirely. 40% of the country (overlapping with above somewhat) is convinced China is trying to destroy and control us with tik-tok and the rest are mostly too tired, too beat down by bad labor conditions and life to care to think on it one way or the other.

    US civil war is a meme. It’s not happening anytime soon, even the strongest moments of BLM were minor and the US is far too good at managing things at home and distracting the masses. We’re decades out from discontent and economic conditions getting bad enough that there’s anything resembling an insurrection and it won’t be red states vs blue states but uprisings in cities that grow and grow and refuse to be extinguished as they get more intense.

    World war it is then if you’re right. And likely nuclear because Russia can’t win against US and NATO without devastating losses and a huge mandatory mobilization. China won’t intervene because that’s against their foreign policy. The DPRK could I suppose decide letting the US host nuclear weapons in the occupied south is unacceptable and launch an attack to retake the south and catch the US with their pants down but I’m skeptical they will either.

    Though I suppose Russia could blink at the last moment and decide they’ll tolerate a heavily armed, NATO-ified rump state on their border rather than go to nuclear war. Russia’s reluctance all along has worsened things for them and I’m not entirely convinced they’re over it. The amount of times they talk about wanting talks comes off as almost pleading really which signals weakness to the vicious west and I’m afraid probably could lead to escalation from the west mis-analyzing all this as a sign that if they just push them a bit more they’ll sue for peace or give up. Then again this all could also just be western bluff and bluster and they could be out of ideas other than playing Nixon’s “madman” card against Russia and hoping they back down.

  • Yeah it’s unfortunate he’s allowing the west to escalate. I mean there is a danger they become unhinged and triple down on Ukraine all the way to nuclear war and it’s reasonable to try and manage that. But unless Russia has a plan to break the front and end the war effectively by routing Ukraine entirely and hopelessly within the next few months they need to think about drawing lines in the sand. Then again who can say. Biden may just be desperately trying to buy time to prevent the collapse of Ukraine before the election which will look really bad for him and make him look weak and Americans hate weak imperialists on the throne.

  • The west has not and never will invite retaliatory full-scale nuclear launch and the end of their hegemony and civilization in order to avenge Russia nuking a field in Ukraine. It’s curious to me that anyone thinks this. If they’re intent on trying to nuke Russia first to take them out, they’ll invent a pretext after the fact rather than waiting for one.

    It would be unreasonable for the US to respond with multiple nuclear detonations to one detonation. Where would they do it? For what purpose? Outside their own borders? Irritating their own citizens and stirring up anti-nuclear sentiment. If they strike in Ukraine at Russian troops with nukes Russia will retaliate and Ukrainians will be upset a bit by the nuclear exchange happening entirely in their borders. Black Sea might be a good place for a detonation. Visible from Ukraine. Problem is clearing shipping and such ahead of time.

    Russia absolutely needs to draw a line in the sand. They are being salami-sliced by western escalation tactics and they need to do something. One thing would be nuking a NATO base but that would demand retaliation from NATO for reasons of face. However dropping a nuclear weapon in Ukraine on non-civilians, not even on Ukrainian troops just as a show and a warning they’re serious would show Russian resolve and give NATO no recourse to striking back without inviting back a full on nuclear exchange which they aren’t willing to jump to.

  • Russia has stated they will hit back.

    The fact is these weapons are given by the US, targeted based on US intelligence from operators outside Ukraine, and almost certainly fired with a push of the button by US forces or only upon US approval. The US is entering the war as a direct combatant and Russia claims to be growing tired of their salami-slicing tactics (honestly who can say though, the war of words has been at maximum for a while now and Russia seems to be trying to manage the west to prevent escalation which unfortunately allows some degree of escalation and may be taken as weakness by the west and a sign to push things up to the point there is no going back).

    Russia has stated they reserve the right to strike the US, any parts of NATO responsible for this (intelligence centers, etc) in retaliation AND that if the US escalates in response to such strikes that they will deploy and use nuclear weapons.

    Things are getting very bad, very quickly as the failing west desperately tries to hold onto its hegemony. Russia is fully aware of what their victory means for that hegemony and the west seems so as well. So we’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. Russia cannot accept a rump state along current lines armed to the teeth by NATO, the west cannot accept a loss.

    Will we all die in nuclear fire? Will saner heads prevail? I know it’s not reasonable but I kind of wish for a movie moment here, for trains and trains of DPRK or Chinese soldiers to show up at the Ukraine front, overwhelm the Ukrainians and quickly put an end to the conflict before the west can escalate.

  • Hmm and how does your derangement and propaganda fare against nuclear fission? Will it protect you like an SPF 90,000 sunscreen from the blast and radiation and collapse of society or will you die happy that the world ended so you could remain smug, ignorant, uncompromising and drunk on propaganda?

    This is the problem with the western uni-polar hegemony, they’ve forgotten fear of nuclear weapons, they’ve lost all perspective. To them it’s all a video game. Deaths, suffering, weapons, it’s all just a TV show, a sports game they can turn on and off then go back to their bags of chips and their TV and computers and ubereats. They don’t understand that you can’t turn off the nuclear weapons flying into a nearby city. You can’t turn off the impact, the wave, the radiation, the collapse of society, the disease, the starvation. You can’t just go back to what was.

    They’re so thoroughly racist, these Hitlerite western liberals can’t conceive of their “inferior” enemies being able to hurt them. And just like the original Hitlerites who badly lost their war, these modern Hitlerites will lose their hegemony, their privilege, their treats, everything. And they won’t even understand it after it’s happened, they’ll go to stabbed in the back myths and all kinds of mythologizing and nonsense rather than thoroughly examining material historical forces.

    I assure you Hitlerite. The Russian deadhand system has been activated. There is no winning for the west, if they strike first they’ll still die to that system’s automated counter-launch. You’ll die. Those you care about will die. Your city will be gone, sights, beauty, places you loved, banished forever. If you don’t die in the blasts or from radiation in the following weeks you’ll live a haunted life devoid of happiness or meaning, nothing but base survival and pain in a wasteland.

  • This seems to be arrogantly taunting Russia that they think they can or will try to take out and blind Russia before any nuclear attack by them in the event of that kind of escalation. Interception can’t work and the US knows that but blinding the enemy so the US can “catch them with their pants down” (Dr. Strangelove reference) seems like the kind of delusion these genocidal maniacs may actually believe they can pull off with Russia or worse China which has a smaller arsenal.

    During the cold war this kind of attack would have been unthinkable by either side as either side would have taken it as a potential prelude to or part of a full scale attack. The US doing it to Russia is doubly unfair. Russia has very limited space between it and US stationed nuclear weapons in NATO and so very little warning potentially in case of a first strike. By contrast the US has two oceans, thousands of miles of Canada plus NATO radar installations of just this kind at the far north of Canada to give them thousands of miles of warning before missiles can even be detected from their own borders. That plus Alaska, coverage in pacific island chains, coverage in Europe via NATO, the US probably has twice as long if not 3-5 times before Russian missiles would hit their cities and home military installations compared to Russia or China for that matter. Yet delusional liberals look at this board and think it’s justified because Russia is aggressive or whatever.

  • It’s not unreasonable. The gameboard the US has right now is not great. It cannot accomplish its goals with raw force, there isn’t enough force to go around and it would cause too much foreign and domestic resistance to try and do so. So color revolutions, intelligence stuff, coups, assassinations, are all very much on the board and in play as the tools the US has left.

    One need look no further than Georgia (the country) and the protests there. There is unfortunately a decent chance that the sitting president with the NATO trained armed forces there may pull a coup against the legislature if they try and pass that law, probably under the pretext of protecting the people, the usual color revolution narrative.

    One shouldn’t get too bogged down in the nitty-gritty, it’s alright to assume conspiracies, entertain them when they make sense like this, recall back to past plays by the US in a similar vein last century but fixating too much on unknowns like this which unlike a color revolution really has an air of nobody but maybe the Iranians truly knows.

  • They’re less safe than small planes as I understand it. There are ways to sabotage them so they come apart in flight in ways that are almost impossible to detect upon a normal pre-flight inspection. Not to mention mechanical failures as they’re more complex in principle of operation than planes. And yes their small size makes them prime choices for assassinations when you don’t want the heat or issues of bringing down a passenger airliner.

    Brace Belden of Trueanon is among others someone who has joked about this and even put it in his trueanon rules.

    There are just so many ways the zionists could have done it. In a literal fog no less, they could flown a low-flying in waiting drone right up into it and caused catastrophic mechanical failure without even using explosives, they could have sabotaged it at some point, they could have done something to disorient the pilot. Maybe it genuinely was a fuck-up of the Iranians, the pilot made a mistake, they for some unfathomable reason didn’t maintain the helicopter properly, etc but it’s just so suspicious when unhinged zionists are around and the fact if they thought there was even a chance they could get away with it with plausible deniability they’d do so.

  • Flying in a helicopter in general is a bad idea and liable to lead to death when you’re not in the good graces of the west (or even factions in your own country). Doing so while an unhinged Zionist regime is trying to start a war with you to deflect from its genocide and draw the US in to cover for it is doubly so.

    This smells like Mossad. For once the US wouldn’t want this but the Zionists have nothing to lose and have already shown they don’t care. They regularly operate in Iran conducting assassinations of nuclear scientists and bombing funerals.