Damn renting twice?
Damn renting twice?
She doesn’t even own her own home, or she lives in a shark at that value. No second property: no cottage or landlording.
This is a question of, what agency do you have over your communications and what kind of communication would express a character trait of yours that you would like to be attributed to you.
If you have high agency, and using emojis expresses genuineness or what you would prefer to be expressed, go for it.
I swear in meetings, drink at lunches, and generally wear my feelings on my sleeve. This works for me because I have useful feedback on projects, clearly define choices effected by policy and what have you. I say those unsaid things, and either it’s novel contribution or it’s falling on the sword of the things people don’t want to say. This is fine for consultation. It does piss off colleagues when I just do what I want, to effect some result or uncover some relevant fact that I assume is required.
If you have low agency, and/or you feel that informal communications would be detrimental, find a communication strategy that lets you express some individuality, novelty in some other way.
Chili farmers are the real heroes
Did you… Not suspect it was a bot?
It’s like “ok fine, we won’t buy shit off eachother”
Last I checked US has a bunch of stuff they try to sell.
“immigration incentives”
A potentially positive influence on receiving review on your concentration camp status
Trump yet again lies by making up rambling story about imaginary people
You could have said the same thing about the eating dogs and cats diatribe.
He’s lampshading the next groups he’s going to round up. I bet there’s going to be an expansion of mental health intake and transfers of the “criminal” insane to the new camps that are getting opened up.
I haven’t read that bit. I misread filing as filling.
I really need to keep that spiderman meme in my back pocket, but this was also my first thought
What’s the chemistry there?
She has employees
Donate to her
Dude you brought up stupid comparisons, people will disrespect you
I’m obviously talking about consolidated power among peers, not opponents.
Yeah maybe Haley. All of those people did have a major failure on one point, they decided to punch up at some point. Trump doesn’t punch up, he insinuates he’s an equal to people he perceives to be more powerful than him. He’ll fondle the balls so he can reap the benefits of that power.
It doesn’t really matter who against.
Any ideas? Not one name?
Probably not, it’s pretty clear that he’s always been this way and as he increases his wealth and ability to platform himself, he does things with increasing severity. Power for powers sake, but he used to have not that much power.
Nah, it takes time to build up a cult of personality. What Republican could step into that role and stay in the news in the same way? Schwarzenegger? He can’t be your president, name literally one other person.
Oh, you just gave me the thought she might be underwater on a mortgage,