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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: May 10th, 2024

  • My ban was for quoting someone who said a slur so they couldn’t edit their comment after I reported it, and I said as much in my report.

    It’s the moderators, they are dumb as fuck because there’s no consequence because they’re all volunteers. The only thing stupider than the volunteer mods who don’t demand pay, are the people who get hung up on what moderators are doing or not. We should have all stopped taking reddit so seriously a long, long time ago. Protests? Jesus christ, a reddit protest does as much real-world good as a kindergarten protest by the children mad that they can’t get more cookies.

  • Nobody is going to quit, all mod roles can be replaced in minutes with people excited to do it. If they have to, they can pay them even and make them official employees and never have to worry about protests again.

    Also, who cares, the site has a clock over it, in a few years most users will be bots and children and all content will be farmed slop akin to youtube.

    Furthermore, if anyone thinks that “protests” on reddit accomplish ANYTHING that person is a literal child, or someone else who shouldn’t be trusted to operate heavy machinery.

    Whatever high ideals we had for reddit a decade ago are long-since dead and buried and that’s fine, instead of whinging about what we lost we should be trying to figure out what to build next to maintain some semblance of an internet in an age of AI slop.

  • As someone dabbling with writing, I bit the bullet and tried to start looking into the tools to see if they’re actually useful, and I was impressed with the promised tools like grammar help, sentence structure and making sure I don’t leave loose ends in the story writing, these are genuinely useful tools if you’re not using generative capability to let it write mediocre bullshit for you.

    But I noticed right away that I couldn’t justify a subscription between $20 - $30 a month, on top of the thousand other services we have to pay monthly for, including even the writing software itself.

    I have lived fine and written great things in the past without AI, I can survive just fine without it now. If these companies want to actually sell a product that people want, they need to scale back the expectations, the costs and the bloated, useless bullshit attached to it all.

    At some point soon, the costs of running these massive LLM’s versus the number of people actually willing to pay a premium for them are going to exceed reasonable expectations and we will see the companies that host the LLM’s start to scale everything back as they try to find some new product to hype and generate investment on.

  • The only reason we’re trying to somehow compromise and allow or even incorporate cheating software into student education is because the tech-bros and singularity cultists have been hyping this technology like it’s the new, unstoppable force of nature that is going to wash over all things and bring about the new Golden Age of humanity as none of us have to work ever again.

    Meanwhile, 80% of AI startups sink and something like 75% of the “new techs” like AI drive-thru orders and AI phone support go to call centers in India and Philippines. The only thing we seem to have gotten is the absolute rotting destruction of all content on the internet and children growing up thinking it’s normal to consume this watered-down, plagiarized, worthless content.

  • My partner’s family from Philippines grew up in a home without appliances like refrigerators, like many, many people in developing countries.

    So while now they have every modern convenience, old habits die hard and stomachs seem to adapt to even the most adverse conditions of foodstuffs.

    Not mine. I love their cooking but can only eat food that I’ve seen opened or cooked in front of me. They will legitimately leave meat dishes out on the table for two days or more and then simply “reheat” and consider it good to serve. The cabinets are full of things like mayo, cheese dips, opened gravies and open bottles of fruit juice.

    I have had some of the very worst food poisoning in my life from inadvertently eating something there like chicken salad that I thought was fresh, but made with hard-boiled eggs that had been sitting on a counter in summer heat for several days that a “friend” brought over so they “wouldn’t waste.”

    Of course I’m the only one that gets sick, so I’m the “special one” that everyone now thinks has some terminal illness and treats me like a hospice patient.

  • Not necessarily, AI can do wild things with combined attributes.

    That said, I do feel very uncomfortable with the amount of defense of this guy, he was distributing this to people. If he was just generating fake images of fake people using legal training data in his own house for his own viewing, that would be a different story. The amount of people jumping in front of the bullet for this guy when we don’t really know the details is the larger problem.