Ope we’re all gay now. Time to grab the most outrageous outfit you can come up with and get in the parade everybody.
Ope we’re all gay now. Time to grab the most outrageous outfit you can come up with and get in the parade everybody.
My dad was in the air force for years, was incredibly sympathetic to immigrants and openly called for more immigration. But was hesitant to say service should guarantee citizenship.
Notably he was also very critical of Heinlein. Though he did like the bits that weren’t heavy handed political philosophy.
He thought that a direct route from service to citizenship would create a militia class of immigrants. It would be very attractive to a certain group of people who’s interests may not align with those of the US.
It was a security threat, he thought. And it seems like this attitude is shared by the DoD.
Bush never faced consequences for his, nor did Nixon (arguably), Kissinger, Reagan, or W. It’s been all crimes at the top for decades.
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Except, as they’ve learned, they didn’t actually have a theft problem. That was a lie to disguise low sales numbers. It’s no better or worse than it’s always been.
The real issue is and remains, the relentless pursuit of number must always go up.
The problem is locking up the item.
I’m not gonna fuckin steal it, don’t treat me like I will.
Notably, those stores fell out of fashion pretty quickly when someone decided to just throw stuff out on shelves and have people get it themselves.
I’m not asking a clerk to get me shit. I can either find it quickly and get it myself or I’m getting it elsewhere.
You know if I lived in California right now I’d be wondering real hard why even be a part of the union? California contributes more than it receives, has vastly different politics than the rest of the country, has a powerhouse economy.
They can hang by their toes
Trump has no idea why he wants Greenland. Someone close to him is feeding him ideas, while feeding his ego.
Greenland is set to become an economic producer in the future, but we have maybe a century before that even starts. I gotta think you’re right, Greenland is a distraction from all the other bullshit. Keep them talking and no one will notice the really evil shit
That, at present, is where the wealth is coming from.
If the Fed just keeps printing money, eventually that too loses all value. It needs to actually be able to buy things. Sure it’s backed by US securities and bonds, but if the US isn’t capable of collecting taxes, because it’s people aren’t making any money and have started to barter amongst themselves, then they can issue all the bonds and bills they want and it won’t mean a damn thing.
Money is their only real leverage. They’re racing to find the minimum amount of money they can give us and still maintain that leverage.
There’s a critical point in wealth disparity where money begins to lose value. As the amount of wealth that can be extracted from the working class dwindles and the people who have too little find other ways to barter with each other.
Fun fact, we have already seen an early attempt at this. And while I think we’re still a ways away, it’s not exactly without precedent.
This is a good example of why witch hunts inevitably include innocent people. Maybe you started rooting out fascists, but somebody will take advantage of a ravenous mob given the opportunity.
Which is why Nazis actively carrying signs, showing tattoos, or shouting Nazi shit are fair game. At that point it’s just proactive self defense.
FFA and 4H have rules regarding the raising of show livestock that basically boil down to “you gotta take care of the animal.”
You’re not allowed to bring in help outside of your immediate family, you’re not allowed to “excessively” engage consultants, which is generally anything outside of the normal education you’d receive going through that program. And there’s a bunch of rules for where and how you house the animal. Several of which are in place to ensure that you cannot send it off to someone to train or care for it for any length of time.
There’s a significant amount of money on the line. These animals go to auction, and while it’s not typical, especially not for goats, they can bring in 6 figures. College educations are frequently paid for by these auctions. For a lot of kids that’s the plan.
So cheating happens.
He shot himself first.
Be the change you want to see in the world
Billionaire got so many billions he can buy himself a little puppet billionaire*.
*Alleged billionaire
He’s running out of inexperienced engineers to burn through. He statedv early on that he wanted to create a surplus of engineers to drive down the cost.
That cost being, paying the engineers’ salaries.
I work pretty closely with a lot of young engineers. My work brings them in as interns, hires them, but doesn’t pay them very well and after 2 years we have new engineers because they’ve all found better jobs. Saturating the market with talent really hasn’t worked out the way he wanted it to, because as it turns out that’s nothing new.
So now he’s gotta find a new way to pay engineers less.
Walmart is one of the largest welfare queens in the country. They profit off of poverty, and are actively incentivized to not only keep communities poor, but to make them poor.
They are in America! YEAH!!! MERICA!!!