• 12 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • Until there is literally a smoking gun, I have no serious reason to believe that Carter is anything less than a man who has done his best to be good. He was also a human being, and I’m sure people can dig up a bad interaction if they look hard enough. Still, it doesn’t invalidate his lifetime of attempts at making a positive impact on the world.

    Carter ain’t no Cosby.

  • I just read his Wikipedia page. Under the conditions of his time, how was he a racist? The article says he opposed slavery, opposed “scientific racists” of the time who argued polygenism and that some races were “transitional” between animal and man, and he asserted that science could never excuse the atrocities of slave owners.

    He did have incomplete theories about a racial hierarchy of intelligence, which was a common idea at the time. The article doesn’t suggest that he was a primary champion of that theory, or that it heavily featured in most of his work.

    In my opinion, he seems like a man who was doing what he could to expand his understanding of his observations, even if he was limited and misled by the prevailing methods and attitudes of his lifetime. Perhaps he should be judged against his peers rather than modern sensitivities, particularly without any evidence of malice in his work.

  • Wikipedia suggests that the origin of the j in marijuana is a bit more obscure than that:

    The origin of the word “marijuana” foreshadowed its current use. Historically, the earliest and most numerous group of users in the Americas were slaves from western Central Africa (modern Gabon to Angola. Their words for cannabis are now used in nearly all the places they (involuntarily) ended up during the 1700s and 1800s…Most notably, in Central America, the Kimbundu (Angolan) word mariamba became the Spanish word marihuana.

    The word “marijuana” as we know it today did not appear until 1846 in Farmacopea Mexicana, though it was spelled “mariguana”. In most following instances, the word was spelled marihuana. In Chilean Spanish, mariguanza is the dance of a shaman in an altered state of consciousness.

  • I’ve smoked a lot of weed, and known a lot of people who have smoked a lot of weed, and this is my theory:

    Marijuana makes it easy to get into a headspace where you simply aren’t recording memories. It is sort of like daydreaming and then snapping out of it and not knowing what the lecturer has been talking about.

    People such as myself who have used weed to avoid feelings of depression tend to seek out that state, and once you get in the habit of doing that, it is hard not to fall into it again while high. You can counter it with practice, but like any mental discipline, it is a tricky thing to accomplish.

    Some people seem to have a personality that keeps them more actively focused on external things rather than their internal thoughts while high, and those people don’t seem to have the same memory problems. Same goes for people who smoke for only part of the day—their brain has more time to be focused on outside stimuli and not get in the habit of being internally focused all the time.

    Needless to say, my memory is shit when I’m not intentionally trying to remember something. It is sort of a blessing for me though because it makes me less anxious about things when I can move on from them without a strong memory.