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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • I think having a way to delete accounts is legally required by some jurisdictions. And sometimes if a site does business in such a jurisdiction and are required to have a way to do that, they’ll still offer that option those outside the jurisdictions in question. (It’s easier to just allow everyone who asks than to have rules keeping track of who can and can’t legally demand it.)

    But if this is an image board hosted in Japan intended for a Japanese audience, and if Japan has no such legal requirements (or if such requirements don’t apply here for some reason), then, your experience with websites that operate in/for countries where they speak your language(s) notwithstanding, it’s highly plausible this site just doesn’t have any way to delete accounts.

  • Your concern is that a breach of the site’s data may leak some information about you that you wouldn’t want to leak, yes?

    If so, and if you can still use similar methods to navigate the site in question, use those methods to edit your account/profile details to scrub the account of anything that you wouldn’t want to leak. Change it to use a fake name. Change the email address to somthrowaway email address. Change the password to something unrelated to any passwords you could possibly use on any other sites so that if the hash is leaked and brute forced, no one can use that to gain access to any of your other accounts. Delete individual posts or pieces of content that you’ve uploaded.

    Actually, I can read (barely) enough Japanese to figure out that the registration process seems to only want your email address and password. (Though I haven’t gone through the whole signup process.) You mentioned uploading a file, yeah? I’m guessing the amount of stuff you’d have to do to overwrite/delete every bit of data they have on you is pretty limited.

    And, yes, I suppose there’s the potential caveat that that might not affect backups and such, but I’d wager a lot of the other account deletion requests you’ve done don’t affect things like backups either.

  • Are you kidding? Link is by far the most broken character. That grab and throw your opponent into the pit behind you trick is total BS. As is the upswipe and shoot with an arrow before they hit the ground move. You can just mop the floor against any non-Link character so easily. And that’s true whether both players are button mashing or both investing in learning the combos. (And to a surprising extent if the Link player is a button masher and the opponent is “good”.)

    And I say that as the douchebag who always played as Link. My record is 63 to 3 in one afternoon against a player who played/practiced just as much as I did and his character of choice was Nightmare. He knew the juggling combos and all just like I did, but Link is just broken beyond belief.

    Just like Kirby in Super Smash Brothers 64. (They nerfed Kirby a good amount in later Smash Brothers installments.)