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I’m not sure that word means what you think it means, Elon. Regulating scam sites is a pretty typical government thing.
What is it, like ten feet max altitude above sea level down there?
1960s style punch cards. Made of concrete.
It’s a tool that has to be used in a specific way. I use it to help me program (it’s very, very good at pattern recognition and matching, which is all programming is, algorithmic patterns). Some idiots use it to do actual research on real world stuff and think it’s a replacement for a search engine. I don’t see it any differently than a screwdriver. Some people are just going to stab themselves in the ear with it. Can’t help that.
I feel that way about ten second dumbfuck GMod videos on YouTube with a million views. Who knew heads in toilets would end up being a worldwide sensation?
Just double check your decimal places.
Why would we want to be ruled by our 51st state?
There are regular unprotected Internet channels, and then there are secure networks like SIPRNet. Devices must not arbitrarily cross from one to the other. That’s where a leak can happen. That’s one thing I learned working for a company with an Army contract 20 years ago. Once a device was set up for secure access on the military network, our policy was to never have it touch the civilian Internet again. It had to be 100% verified destroyed at the end of its lifetime. I don’t know details of how they handle it these days with mobile devices everywhere.
Article says they are using a number of AI technologies stitched together with regular programming, so object recognition, language, etc.
I kinda always wanted Penny’s computer book from Inspector Gadget.
It’s self-selecting. In order to be here in the first place, you have to give a shit enough to ignore the big corporate social media sites in favor of finding and using this one.
As long as the head gasket is still good, oil seals are good, and piston rings are good, everything around them can be replaced at home with a Haynes manual, except maybe the transmission and any welding work on the exhaust.
Just did a timing belt replacement in the driveway on mine, good for another ten years now.
The engineers who work for him know engineering. Elon fancies himself an engineer, but he comes across as someone who knows about as much about aerospace as any kid after a few rounds of Kerbal Space Program. I’ve listened to his technical interviews on the Raptor engine and other stuff, he just spews pseudointellectual boilerplate you can get from any generic sci/space YouTuber.
When doing zoom calls for work I do it behind a curtain. Nobody sees my home at all. Then I cover the cam when not in use. These are just common sense privacy measures we should be teaching them anyway.
At least there’s a small chance I’ll see warp drive happen within my lifetime either way.
I mean yeah, I don’t watch porn on an office computer at work after all. They should have their own devices for all that stuff. School devices = school-related activity only, no more.
That guy Parin Dalal seems like the only one who has anything to do with tech at all. The rest, yeah all IP specialists. He probably acts as their advisor so they don’t look like complete assholes.
If I did that half my neighbors would own my devices in a week because they like transmitting open access points for setup purposes. I just connect them anyway and then just block them from outbound access at the router if I want to restrict them. That way I can be sure. Then I can use my Homeassistant server to control them from behind the firewall locally if they have that capability.