Planes nosediving because they incorrectly think they’re stalling, bolts randomly falling out of critical hardware… sounds like I’m not flying Boeing anytime soon.
Planes nosediving because they incorrectly think they’re stalling, bolts randomly falling out of critical hardware… sounds like I’m not flying Boeing anytime soon.
Ever play Plague Inc? The secret to winning is to not become deadly until you’ve already become engrained and established throughout society. Then you add the deadly features once you’re too deep in.
Don’t let the cancer establish itself as something innocent. The owner of the platform WILL take any opportunity to seize control of the media so it can seize control of the message.
But think of the capitalists! How will the stock market continue to make gains if there are less people?
If you have millions of chickens to kill, you’re not so poor of a farmer that be you can’t afford to come up with a humane method to do this job.
Two groundings in less than 5 years? Boeing is trading lives for share price. Hopefully the company dies as an example of corporate greed.