Yes and there was nothing really worth saving. Throw it all away and start over. It’s fine.
Yes and there was nothing really worth saving. Throw it all away and start over. It’s fine.
Can they make Google list Canada as a state along with Greenland, then we won’t have to invade???
The current moment is like the recent wildfires. All this trash built up over the years and it sort of has to have its time to burn out. Everything just has to find a way to survive it until it runs out of fuel. When the pendulum swings back the other direction, just be ready to rebuild from the natural disaster.
It’s more than just SQL. Social Security Numbers can be re-used over time. It is not a unique identifier by itself.
The least we can do is give them mock trials and public executions.
The wealthy will make an example out of him. Meanwhile, they will continue holding up Daniel Penny as the right kind of extrajudicial murderer.