Do the opposite, don’t make eye contact and walk fast. The good old fashioned diarrhea walk. Anyone tries to stop you, tell them whatever poop related excuse comes to mind.
Sounds like he’s the acting landlord coming to check on his properties and tenants but more importantly he’s there to collect. 😸
Oh god, I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. Thanks stranger. 🤮
I don’t miss the often-regurgitated response of “Gee, thanks stranger” that Redditers would say after receiving gold. It would always annoy me.
Gun Daddy*
“Baby” is in your name so it checks out.
Boss makes a dollar. I make a dime.
That’s why I poop on company time.
So damn handsome!
Salt and pepper the Impossible burger like you would a regular beef burger when cooking. It makes the flavor indistinguishable from a beef patty, imo.
Are Impossible hotdogs as good as the burgers? I eat meat but like alternatives also.
Cats of all sizes doing downward dog.
The Greenies treats made all the difference.
Scooter makes his biscuits from…scratch 😸
I read this as “de gato.” Thought you were being cheeky lol got a good laugh out of me.