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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • Cheats running at ring0 aren’t invisible

    Every rootkit ever disagrees with that statement.

    They can actually invest in server-side detection

    I’m not deep enough in the topic to be able to judge this, but i would guess the needed extra hardware is simple not worth it. especially in games with many players or complex physics i would guess that could lead to considerable load on the servers.

    Plus, server side is not able to catch things the client manipulates on his side. e.g. graphical data to make walls transparent. The server could at most catch the player abusing this knowledge, but if he is smart about it, the server has no way to ever notice.

  • I would not say that i fully trust our politicans, but there are significant checks and restrictions in place.

    I mean, we had an all-encompassing totalitarian state that had absolute control over the country (or at least parts of it) 2 times in our history. We kinda learned the one or another thing from that.

    And about the direct democracy thing. There have been and continue to be efforts to introduce more options. And I was an advocate myself for the longest time of my life.

    But after seeing how some of the population behaved during Covid and how they are currently behaving in the East (where an ultra-right wing party has taken power) I’m not sure it’s a wise idea to give more direct power to an uninformed, easily manipulated mob.

    But thats a topic for another time.

  • You are the one that does not seem to understand. There is no such thing as voting on issues at all in germany. We elect the political party we believe will tackle the problem in the way that aligns with our desired outcome. But the ordinary citizen has no say in the matter directly.

    There is no voting on tax rate, zoning, abortion or whatever. Nowhere in germany. Neither localy nor nationwide. The only thing that could possibly be comparable would be a referendum where, for example, you have to collect 1 million votes and then you can submit this to the state as a request. But there is no guarantee they will even accept it.

  • For germany:

    How do they know you are a citizen?

    Everybody has an identity card. And you will be sent an election letter which you then show there. It has your Voter-ID and district number on it.

    How do they know in what political division your vote should be counted?

    Well the voting happens inside the respective districts. Plus you have the number on your letter.

    For local referenda, how do they know what issues you are eligible to vote on?

    No such thing in germany.

  • We’re talking about fractions of a cent here per post. Of course, this all needs to be worked out in detail and variables and scaling needs to be added / calculated. So for someone that posts only 2-3 times a day, costs and delay are practically unmeasurable low. but if you start pushing 100 posts out per minute, the difficulty of the PoW calculation gets up.

    A delay of a fraction of a second to do the PoW for a single post is not a problem. But a spam-bot that is now suddenly limited to making 1 post per minute instead 100 makes a huge difference and could drive up the price even for someone with deep pockets.

    But I’m not an expert in this field. I only know that spambots and similar are a problem that is almost as old as the Internet and that there have been an almost incalculable number of attempts to solve it to date, all of which have more or less failed. But maybe we can find a combination that could work for our specific case.

    Of course, there are still a lot of things to clarify. how do we stop someone from constantly creating new accounts, for example?

    would we have to start with a “harder difficulty” for new users to counteract this?

    do we need some kind of reputation system?

    How do we set them accurately enough not to drive away new users but still fulfill their purpose?

    But as said, not an expert. Just brainstorming here.

  • You are moving the goalpost. again. The talk was about the Internet Archive providing a copy of my website to the public. Not you storing it somewhere on your drive for personal use. Although that’s also a rather tricky legal matter.

    But nice for you to agree with the rest. Yes, you could at one point publish a copy. 70 Years after my death. and not a second before that. and only if its not specific protected because i contains personal information. i think the protection is not limited in that case.

  • Germany has bad experience with total surveillance and state power that misuses this information. Once through the Nazi-Regime and then the GDR (Stasi). We know how dangerous surveillance is, what desires it arouses and how easy it is to abuse. We’ve been through all this shit several times. Not going to happen again.

    Germans are generally very concerned about their privacy and prefer that the state (or anyone) has little information about them. Hence, for example, the continued wide spread use of cash instead of cards. And the data protection laws, which are very strict by international standards.