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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • Most of them will accept slightly lower rents to keep the property occupied constantly.

    They might, but Demand is high enough in California they’re still raising rates. Demand doesn’t change because of this. Supply doesn’t change. But the amount of available cash that a rents has will have changed, which means the market will change accordingly.

  • Kinglink@lemmy.worldtoNo Stupid Questions@lemmy.worldXXX
    6 months ago

    more people spending money overall helps the economy

    The idea behind this only works IF more people are spending. If Rent jumps that money goes to the landlord, who may (but probably won’t) spend the extra money, and it doesn’t benefit everyone.

    I forget the term, but there’s an idea that talks about how many people/businesses touch money. So if you create a dollar into an economy (you can’t create money with out causing problems but let’s pretend it’s magic) if that money goes into a person’s bank it’s probably a bad thing. If that money goes through 10 people’s hands, you’re getting taxation on it in every place which is a good thing (for the government). Problem is landlords are usually well off (at least well enough to own more than one property). They might not be “mega rich” but they almost certainly will save that money, rather than spend it.

    Besides which stimulus checks are a one time payment… not exactly the same as UBI.

  • Or are you saying that Landlords are ILLEGALLY colluding with one another to ensure Rent remains high?

    No… I’m saying that a Landlord can read a paper and know that people have an extra 1000 dollars, so they can raise their rent 330/660/ or real dickbags 1000 dollars since you now have extra money.

  • I mean… isn’t that also a legal thing?

    If you know insider information that’s not public (A company misbehaved being one of them) you are not supposed to trade stock to financially gain from it.

    Now that’s what you’re supposed to do… Politicians have proven that’s rules just for peasants, and most stock traders heavily benefit from this type of information, and unless your Martha Stewart for some reason, you get away with it… But my point is legally, if you know they misbehaved, that’s immediately insider information?

    Edit: I misunderstood the headling/rule. Sorry. Quite a shit thing that granted stock can be revoked, especially after you pay taxes. I wonder how legal it is, because if they can revoke it, is it actually yours and thus do you have to pay taxes on it?

  • Yeah but when am I going to be able to watch AI-Generated Videos on Pornhub. (That I get to choose the content of).

    Honestly I’m so over hearing about AI. It’s either “Look at this average thing that AI has done (after giving X amount of attempts we won’t tell you about).” or “Look at this average thing that AI has done (after giving X amount of attempts we won’t tell you about) Isn’t it scary?”

    OH AI is wrong? Oh AI is doing something better than humans? Oh people might use AI versus doing nothing? Oh AI might replace cheap labor (fiver jobs)… AI will kill you, AI will heal you, AI has transcended humanity… AI has doomed us all.

    It’s all fucking clickbait at this point and I’m just already so fucking tired of hearing about it because none of it has value.

    But umm… that Pornhub video thing… let me know when that comes out.