Tianamen square shows up just fine on Google maps, who is supposedly censoring them?
Tianamen square shows up just fine on Google maps, who is supposedly censoring them?
to allow citizens to call things whatever they want.
I very much doubt that privilege extends to a mapmaker
I’m just the messenger, kid. I’m not even in the USA, I’m in a different hemisphere watching with popcorn.
Good luck over there 🫡
Homie, I was never hiding it.
You’re thinking of fascism.
I have some bad news for you.
He’s the part of the government that has the power to unilaterally change the name of a location.
That is essentially what they’ve done by putting Gulf of America in brackets behind the original name.
The president is part of the government, they’re not two separate entities.
And once again, there is nothing to be gained by arguing with me about this.
Because Google is a US company, and not in a position to tell the US government to take a walk, that’s why.
You can argue with strangers on the Internet as much as you like, but the fact is, the US president can and has changed the name of multiple geographic features, and arguing with me won’t change that.
This is stupid and cowardly of them,
What else did you expect?
If you want to know more about how the US government works, I’m not the person to educate you.
That’s a valid point, but why do you expect Google to take a principled stand on this? Take it up with your government.
OK, but how is Google supposed to know what nationality you are?
It was changed by executive order, which the president has the authority to do. Google doesn’t get to go “nuh-uh” and keep it the same.
Google are an American company, and the government of the USA has changed the name. What else do people expect them to do?
Besides, it still say Gulf of Mexico if you’re outside the USA.
However, Peretti says BuzzFeed’s new social media platform will use AI “to give users agency instead of stealing their agency.” (It’s unclear what that means.)
Woo. More AI.
Yeah, but if those Bitcoin were “out there somewhere”, and you’d never have to think about money ever again if you found them…
That doesn’t surprise me at all, there are a number of platforms for short form, portrait mode content, but a platform where absolutely anyone can upload a 4k or higher resolution video, up to 12 hours long, at no cost to either them or the viewer?
There’s not really a competitor to that, at least not one with anything like the viewer base of YouTube.
That shows where you are, not who you are.