I remember that one time Michael Stevens of Vsauce talks about different shaped wheels, lol.
“After all, we aren’t going to reinvent the wheel, or are we?” Lol
I remember that one time Michael Stevens of Vsauce talks about different shaped wheels, lol.
“After all, we aren’t going to reinvent the wheel, or are we?” Lol
Seems like a sociopathic trait. To try and get simulated attention for themselves. Nevertheless, it might work better for them the other way around. Using a smaller community on Lemmy as a ‘test’ environment and then plagiarizing a comment to get Reddit Karma. Or a post for that matter. I am pretty sure that there are people that might do this. There probably is a lot of mods on Lemmy that might tip off mods on Reddit for this very reason.
I will admit, if I need help for an answer to a question someone is asking, I DO Google and in those results there, which are often reddit, find someone who has already asked and answered said question, so I will just paraphrase them lol.
Not jokes but useful things and TOMT searches. Why reinvent the wheel?
My exact story of how I got into metal, lol
Key and Peele was a great show!
“Yes…very stupid…”
They were my first concert as a teenager. Nothing without Wayne tho.
There are companies for specific ethical hacking and to expose cybersecurity flaws. They would just need to apply to them.
Yea I wondered that after I posted my comment but I wondered if it was a joke issue or something. A lot of the issues I had growing up had a front cover and a back one that would work if you flipped it the right way that was an alternative or a joke cover.
Man, I haven’t had a MAD subscription in ages. I didn’t realize they were still in print. Lol
Best advice I have received: make a small change in any direction that would have a positive outcome if you succeeded. Set a goal, any goal, professionally, personally, socially etc. make it specific, measurable, and write down your experience. Break it into steps and if a step is too hard break that step into smaller ones.
There can be many mental health disorders that are functional illnesses. Many with chronic illness can actually live a regular life and no one would know what they have going on. It doesn’t mean it is not serious or debilitating. Mild depression is a thing, so is mild bipolar, mild schizophrenia or high functioning.
That being said the phenomenon you are describing is common nowadays without it being a mental illness. I haven’t met someone who hasn’t at least once in their life questioned their choices or felt lost about what to do next or how to do it.
There are many jobs you can do with a bachelor’s in any major. Most are office based. Some can be more hands on.
That being said not all comparisons are a thief of joy. There is a concept in DBT called the ACCEPTS acronym. One of the Cs is Comparison. But a positive one. For you. Compare yourself to someone in a lesser or more distressing situation. Or to a time when you, yourself were in a worse rut, if possible. This is also a form of cognitive reframing.
38 is still young. Plus 30s and 40s are where a midlife crisis can occur. Don’t go to clubs for friends unless you already know someone there. Try more neutral settings like a small class, group, volunteering, or a place where you would be alongside people with a common goal or interest. A lot more potential to find not so good connections in a bar or a club.
I agree it is hard to connect especially being an introvert myself. But you don’t need friends you just need one friend. There isn’t one set way to do it. Smaller settings with less people work and more opportunities to connect. Less social competition. Sometimes it is just a conversation with a neighbor that sparks something you might have in common. Then you or them invites the other to do something or show another something etc. It happens organically, gradually and unexpectedly.
‘Mein Anspruch’
That’s why you find one that isn’t in prime time like an AMC with recliner seats. Usually at the matinee, there is like one of two other people and you and your party get almost the whole theatre. And I sneak in McChickens in my hoodie. Usually have someone with a purse with you. Most theatres around me don’t check. Put the drinks and snacks in there from the dollar store. But yes the floors still get sticky, lol. The security only really cares if you’ve got your phone out or are pointing it like you are filming.
The one Kadabra and Alakazam has lol
I have a doctor that actually cares. If I had one that didn’t, I would not stop until I found one that did. It’s mostly getting the insurance to cover medications that they don’t. The doctor usually spends the last hour of his day doing this, for me and other patients. You have to find a local doctor outside of a major city with less client base so they DO have the time. I am in the US. My deductible is very high but the medication I take is life sustaining and I can never pay for it. I have to do this every 6mo to a year: make an appointment and hope the doctor gets their way. Once they didn’t and that is why I am at my current doctor. There is not much negotiating a patient can do calling the insurance themselves. They will just look and see you don’t know what you are talking about. No matter how you complain about the symptoms, your financial burden, your family, or the fact of it being life-sustaining. Best to have a medical professional advocate. I have even tried with doctor letters and emails forwarded before calling. That is why I wonder what the doctor actually says that gets through.
And your doctor will have to fight with the insurance company over the phone for an hour to do a pre-auth. When my doctor wants to perform something or give a certain treatment not covered, he assures me he will make this long and stressful call. I really wonder what they are discussing and what goes on in these conversations…
I bet five year olds can make better poetry
I meant a big salary like that. If you read my other comments. This was a genuine question. OP had good point.
Best thing I did was browse reddit with a new account without participating. Just enjoying certain content. I deleted my old and made a private email and new account and subbed to the ones I was but no posting or comments just upvote/down ote and reading, watching clicking links etc. I realized I spent too much time conversing and not enough time enjoying some of the content. Less people on Lemmy and can actually get responses to good convos and post feedback. I wish you could follow accounts and specific posts here though.
My favorite song by them is in the album “Start a War”. The song is: Skinnyman. Personal favorite.