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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 17th, 2023


  • I don’t get the comment here, they didn’t ‘express their opinion’ about Israel. They behaved like a bunch of lunatics within Google’s offices. If you want to protest Google’s actions send a signed letter of resignation stating the reason, send it to the press and form a union of techies that won’t work for companies that work with Israel recursively.

    On a side note, I like how none of them mind building mass surveillance tools, pushing ads, Google-China relations, etc… But Israel’s genocide is trending, so they jump on that. What a bunch of shallow fucks.

  • My highly non-technical SO cursed Microsoft when they pushed that shit into her computer. She didn’t need to understand what AI means, it took space on her task bar and showed useless notifications. Making her annoyed by the space taken, disturb her focus and slow her computer.

    She is stuck on Windows due to a tool she is dependent upon. Already asked me to install Linux on her computer once she have a replacement that will work on Linux.

    tl;dr: non technical people are too pissed at MS.

  • And yet, they all found better life in other countries. In my opinion, and it very much a not very educated opinion, the German shame about the shitier parts of society makes it harder for foreigners to understand the level of shityness in different regions of Germany before setting living there.

    The general route of people that moved was find a jon from a far, move to the area of the job, handle 10 metric tons of paperwork, better their German just to understand more and more just how mistreated and undesirable they are.

    Some chose to stay anyway, some left, tried their luck in a different place and encountered less shitiness and some came back.

  • Parts of Germany are very unfriendly to non white Christians that speak fluent German.

    Some friends and family left to Germany, they all got better life economics wise. They found friends, had good jobs, etc… but then most of them left Germany.

    They really like the public transport, functioning health system, food availability, access to nature and more.

    But they all had constant encounters with neu-nazis. It didn’t get to physical assault, they felt physically safe, but it did create highly hostile environments, either at work, the supermarket or the streets.

    There are countries in the EU that will allow you to enjoy the same benefits without suffering harrasment by neu-nazis.

  • You sound like a USA citizen. There many places in the world where walls are made of concrete. 5Ghz doesn’t penetration concrete.

    In such cases, the only way to get 5GHz into every room will be passing cat5 cable in the wall and placing an AP.

    Passing a cable in concrete walls requires a pipe in the wall, that was placed there when the house was built! But in many cases, the tunnels that exists are too narrow for cat5 and are already in use anyway.

    So to fulfill your idea and still have WiFi we will need to raze to the ground whole cities and rebuild them.

    Unless you are footing the bill, and take care of the CO2 emissions, just learn to disable 2.4GHz on your router.