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Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Where I think she has a point (whoever she is) is that most people don’t repetitively prove science’s principles themselves. So for the vast majority of people that believe in science, they take their world view on faith from a book written by someone they don’t know.

    They grow up with the understanding that it’s the truth, so they accept it. They have no idea how to actually follow the scientific process and test the theories themselves, they just trust the authority of the institution distributing the knowledge.

    You might think this is a false equivalency. But with religion collapsing more and more each day, they’ve mapped their bullshit quite nicely on to science. Generating plenty of pseudoscience for anyone who believes in science but is made uncomfortable by its findings. Religion lives on in how the masses actually perceive science. Because the mechanism is no different:

    I don’t understand the universe, but I have faith that someone does. I’ll put them in charge so they can give me the bullet points of how I should live.

  • It’s still ideas the group agrees with. The idea is: that we all disagree with this idea. It’s subtle, until you look at the same story on CNN vs Fox. Two bubbles discussing the same issue with two VERY different emotional valences.

    To put it another way: the discussion of these ideas that are oppositional to the community, is not with the intention of seriously considering them. It’s with the intention of dismissing them in a group act of catharsis. It maintains the bubble and safely dispatches an idea that threatened to burst it.

  • We also do it to ourselves. Everyone has someone in their life they’d rather mute. But they’re forced to coexist with them. Online is so appealing because you can find communities of like minded individuals. Then forget all about those other opinions you don’t like.

    You grow in this bubble as they grow in theirs. By the next time you’re forced to interact, you feel so alien and unpleasant to one another it’s confusing and frightening. Corporations are right there to sell you on a story about how the other side are demons destroying the world. We gobble it up.

  • Trusting actors who studied Shakespeare in college to be responsible for determining if a prop is actually a lethal weapon is absurd. That’s why there’s a trained person on set where that’s literally their whole responsibility. I like Baldwin’s acting. I’ve also heard he’s shitty to his daughter. I’m not defending him as a person. I’m defending him because he’s innocent of this charge. His job was to point something that resembled a gun at someone and pull the trigger. It was someone else’s to ensure that would be a safe action.

  • Obviously I have no idea what your opinion is beyond this comment. But from my own view of lemmy it’s so funny to open the thread about windows and people are like:

    “I don’t care if I can disable it. There’s absolutely no reason an operating system should collect that data, except for their own toxic capitalist greed. I want a tool to rip every line of this code out, or I’m installing Arch and never looking back.”

    To the thread on Apple doing it:

    “Apple setting a better example is a good thing to see.” 😂

  • Most news and social spaces on the Internet pull people’s focus to issues they have very little control over. This has been shown to cause a degradation in mental health. Since these places have become a mainstay in society, we’ve seen a plummet in mental health. Things can’t get better if everyone is suffering from depression and anxiety.

    Being informed enough to support a few (2-3) issues with real intention, can be helpful. But letting corporations and politicians leverage the idea that being informed about everything is good, just leads to them pointing to everything that can be spun as a problem. Then nobody does anything meaningful to affect change. They just feel defeated.

  • Yeah Tesla is down to 20% because of the massive EV boom THEY started. Saying Starlink is one of the ISP monopolies people can choose from, is an oxymoronic statement. Agreed about SpaceX. Pay your amazing eng team!

    I’m not saying Elon is a great leader. But the odds 3 things he owns happened to take off isn’t likely a total coincidence. Maybe he’s just better than average at predictions. But to act like it isn’t what it is because you don’t like the guy, kinda undercuts legitimate criticism.