Well, here’s hoping.
Well, here’s hoping.
Is it a twist if nobody is surprised?
Perhaps this should actually read “in grim reality, most see suspect in C.E.O. Killing as Hero or Heartthrob”.
From that I’d say they have pretty good matches on him. The bad news for him is that these days with surveillance, you need to be really sneaky before you commit a crime as well as after. It’s hard to cover all your tracks on the way in and on the way out.
It looks like they’re getting better pictures of his face, that’s real bad for him. Personally, I’m not confident he’s getting away with this. It would probably be wise to leave the country asap.
Personally, I agree. But we do need to be limiting the damage trump can do. I think Biden should go the other way, do a few things that are so illegal that the SCOTUS has to start limiting the president’s powers.
Perhaps a domestic drone strike or two.
We need these abstractions though, we love them, and we should! The problem isn’t abstraction itself, we couldn’t survive without that. The problem is in how we build these abstractions, the problem is that we create unsustainable and irresponsible abstractions and then present them as legitimate options.
But we can’t throw out abstraction entirely. It’s like, if a person dies in a car crash, we should ask some questions, but you don’t ask “should we really have cars?”, instead you ask “should that person be driving a car? And is that car safe to drive?”
I know a couple of people who had jobs working with a defense contractor. One of them justified it by saying he doesn’t actually work on missile projects, his department does as air traffic control systems (and sure, there’s nothing objectionable about that). But they both knew what their company did and it certainly did make it an uncomfortable place to work. You can tell yourself that these weapons only get used on bad guys, but I think the more you have to tell that story, the harder it is to hear yourself.
They’ve both moved on at this point.
Wow… Well I maintain that is about the dumbest thing he could do, but I apologize for doubting you.
I’m inclined to agree with this. Just apply Hanlon’s razor, people make mistakes, often.
Periodically like every minute?
These cables can carry terabits per second. I suppose if you had 100 petabytes of storage (that could probably be achieved with a single large rack of machines) you could just swap the entire rig every few hours or so, but that feels extremely cumbersome.
I agree, but replace China with Russia.
There’s no way he’s asking for that. If you can find a source for that claim I’d love to see it. But it’s about the dumbest thing musk could do.
Well for what it’s worth it seems like we’ve been getting fewer and fewer snow storms here in Boston. I know that’s more weather than climate, but it’s concerning.
It certainly does contain all the right words. I mean, it won’t happen…
It would be great if it works, but it won’t.
AI developers are like the modern version of alchemists. If they can just turn this lead into gold, this one simple task, they’ll be rich and powerful for the rest of their lives!
Transmutation isn’t really possible, not the way they were trying to do it. Perhaps AI isn’t possible the way we’re trying to do it now, but I doubt that will stop many people from trying. And I do expect that it will be possible somehow, we’ll likely get there someday, just not soon.
I can answer that. We won’t.
We’ll keep iterating and redesigning until we have actual working general intelligence AI. Once we’ve created a general intelligence it will be a matter of months or years before it’s a super intelligence that far outshines human capabilities. Then you have a whole new set of dilemmas. We’ll struggle with those ethical and social dilemmas for some amount of time until the situation flips and the real ethical dilemmas will be shouldered by the AIs: how long do we keep these humans around? Do we let them continue to go to war with each other? do they own this planet? Etc.
Would you get off that?
A long time ago now I spent over 10,000 hours on world of warcraft. I wouldn’t really recommend getting into it now though, I think the magic is gone.
That’s giving everyone involved a lot of credit. To be honest, I sort of doubt these decisions were quite that rational.
Not for me. I’ve found a clever way to avoid these ads.
I’d argue that this is a non issue that doesn’t warrant additional attention, as it only affects less than 1% of the population.
Instead, do more to combat drunk driving, that will have a bigger meaningful effect on the populace.