• 2 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2024


  • Thats perhaps the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard and fuels my point if yall only acting like this cus “big gaming industry bad”

    Palword did what thousands of scammers, Cryptoland, and some con artists Vrchat model makers do. Take a model or asset that ISNT THEIRS alter it, then sell it.

    if they win. Companies like ChatGBT and AI’s like it will have free rain to steal whatever shit they want, you think the government will give a shit if its from a indie game? Hell no. Everyone is gonna suffer from this dude.

    Im not boutta live in a world where people, anyone ever, can take my stuff, alter it, then profit from it

  • I dont care who it is thats suing.

    You cant fuckin make what looks and feels like “pokemon” or any other fucking property and expect to get away with it. Thats PLAGIRISM.

    I DONT CARE IF ITS NINTENDO. If Palworld fucking wins, then that means that anyone else who makes 3d models, or just any kind of content IN GENERAL, can have their shit stolen, tweaked, and resold to millions. If you think that is a valid and okay thing to do to ANYONE, then go fuck yourself.

    Majority of yall are the same people to bite dien on companies like ChatGBT and others a like. but once they start stealing content, patents, and recourses from large companies, then its suddenly ok. The amount of Moral flipflopping this country does is fuckin stupid at best.

    This all comes down to one point and one point only


    I’ve gone against nintendo on a buncha shit, I still do, this shit ain’t one of em. They have the right to try someone in court if they suspect they are using their models for profit.

    Theres THOUSANDS of avenues they could’ve taken with this game. It coulda made with voxels, coulda been legofied, it coulda been hyper realistic, coulda been created to look like Dark souls, they could’ve AT THE VERY LEAST, play the game of “Im making a Parody so therefore my content is fine.” Theres so many avenues they coulda took to avoid shit like this. Super Mario Logan and SMG64 have been doing this shit for AGES. But nah yall are up and arms and shocked with the slightly altered Pocket Monsters game is hit with some court papers. Make it make sense, deadass.

  • Dont steal my base model that I patented and made entirely by hand and then claim it as your model.

    its that simple. As barbaric as the VRCHAT community can be sometimes, I can wholeheartedly agree that it is 100% a crime to take someone else’s hard work, tweak it, and then pretend that you own it. Pay people their fucking respects/royalties or take a different approach. Toby Fox did it, Every other Pocket Monster-like Series in Japan did it, and so on. if your gonna make a product similar to another, especially fucking Nintendo with how notorious they are for copyright striking, TAKE THE STEPS AVAILABLE TO MAKE IT DIFFERENT. Don’t churn out a “Pokemon with guns” and then get shocked with your copyright stricken. Thats fucking stupid to me. And its even stupider people are shocked it’d fuckin happen.

    There’s deadass so many routes they could’ve went with, Art-styles they could’ve went with, fucking game mechanics they could’ve went with. And they chose something that 90% of people can agree “looks like Pokémon, smells like Pokémon, functions similar Pokémon”

    I mean for GOD FUCKING SAKES, At least GO WITH DIFFERENT MONSTER IDEAS. We have an ENTIRE WORLD Filled with Cryptids and mystical beasts of all kind, and Palworld STILL CHOSE TO GO for Yokai/Japanese based creatures? Get the fuck outta here with that. Homeboy coulda did American mythos and got away with that, no ones holding a patent against the design of The Flatwoods monster?? Let alone is there a “pokemon” clone of Australian Mythos, so why the fuck are we still trying to do what’s already been done to death and then getting shocked with it falls flat or is criticized.

  • Im not blaming one person. I’m blaming this whole ass country for falling into the way that it did. But your victim blaming is disgusting as fuck, and you write as though we should feel sympathy for a man that is basically the villain. This man alone has done far more harm than the random hooker he wanted to fuck. I see things from a lot of perspective. But I’m not about to put an equal amount of blame on the possibly trafficked Sex worker like I would the Billionaire who’s friends with a child rapist. Sure some of that could be her fault, but it takes a bigger person to just fucking say NO. Trump has virtually no excuse, as do the other people that do this. The anonymous Sex workers probably wouldn’t be doing what their doing if that had an actual shot at life, at doing something they truly enjoyed. Its naive to think that any woman that “wants” to have sex with trump truly wants it or just wants their money. If we’re gonna play your game of “well think about it from all perspectives” then I want you to really put on your thinking cap. Just why in the flying fuck would a grown woman, a sex worker, WANT to have sex with someone as psychically revolting as Trump. And better yet keep her name anonymous after she does it.

    I dont express empathy or Sympathy for RICH people; the same people who have all the recourses in the world; that do deplorable shit and then refuse to learn from doing said deplorable shit. I would have sympathy if he LEARNED, but he doesn’t. So nah I’m not gonna give him any kind of benefit of the doubt.

  • I find it justified to judge others, particularly a group of people, that promote/spread depression/suicidal Ideology and rhetoric. I’ve found a couple of subreddits and forums like that, of other depressed people encouraging other depressed people to either Kill themselves or self-harm or that there is no hope. They all wallow in this pit of sorrow with not a single source of actual help or advice. On occasions where I DO try to offer help, I’m banned or muted (hotline, articles, other resources). It’s fucking sick, and I don’t give a shit if they suffer from Depression. I wouldn’t care if they were suffering from anything else. Creating a community that is known for encouraging really fucking harmful thinking is degenerative behavior. I have delt with “those kinds” of depressed people. 9/10 their mission is to make everyone around them just as miserable as they are. Fuck that. Im sick n sad enough as is why the hell would I wanna genuinely put that on someone else.

  • Dude- I’m depressed as shit. But be loving myself as I am is perhaps the only thing preventing me from killing myself. But I’m still demonstrably depressed and Existential about a lot of things.

    But your ENTIRE RANT screams that You’ve been sitting in front of a PC all fucking day just consuming news; that 9/10 of that news is bad, and you’re doing nothing to change what it is your viewing. This is 100% a “pot calling the kettle black” type moment for you and me cus I do the exact same shit. I bedrot ALLLLLL day. The difference between you and me is that I’m capable of recognizing that “Hey- maybe doom scrolling about all these pedophiles coming out isnt a good idea and I should go walk my dog.”

    I did the same thing once I realized just how chronically addicted to twitter I’d become. So to fix that, I got myself banned for 6 days. Cant get addicted to twitter anymore if im banned!

    Truth gets you fucking nowhere if your constantly indulging in shit that makes you miserable. It’s like being a child and forcing yourself to work an Office job, why the fuck would you do that to yourself.

    I’m telling you RIGHT FUCKING NOW. PLEASE. Go outside and talk to IRL people about things. The world you’re in right now, the one that is around you; that you have some control over; is not as god awful as it seems. Even the fucking Conservatives or the assholes I meet aren’t that damn bad to deal with, why? Cus it’s real life lmfao, I kill em with kindness. Stop revolving your life around shit you deadass cant control dude let alone fix- I tell this to a friend of mine who keeps fucking obsessing over all the dead babies in Hamas. THERES NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO FIX THIS DIRECTLY SO STOP DELVING SO DEEPLY INTO THIS. Wanna know what I do? Feign ignorance of the subject, and when it comes time, I donate or just vote for the good guys that can fix it for me. I’m not about to hyper-obsess about things I cant personally do anything about, if it bothers me that much then I’ll just be the change I want to see.

    Sitting on my ass all day and Doom-crying about political issues and death and pedophiles does fuckall to help anyone. I’d rather do shit (influencer/youtuber/content creator) that can either make other people happy, inform people in a way that actually incites some kind of positive action, or just things to make myself happy.

    If you’re really that engrossed in Doomer Ideology then peep this: If the world fucking burns, so be it. But Ima keep doin the shit that makes me happy.

  • So by this logic if some 12yo girl is flirting it up big time with a grown ass man and they fuck. Instead of being mad at the man for doing this, we should blame the little 12yo girl and her parents for not raising her better(?) Should we instead sympathize with the man cus “Oh that poor guy, all he’s ever known is having sex with children! Lets not blame him! Thats just his life and how he lives!”

    It’s called having a set of functioning fucking Morals. I’m not going to jump off of a cliff- or better yet, get into a tin can to go and see the titanic just because “oh this is just what I’m exposed to, this is normal for me, other rich men do it so this is my life now.” He is a grown ass man in his 70’s now. He knows that adultery is wrong; don’t blame the woman for her already shitty lifestyle. You think those woman wanna fuck Trump and his soggy ass?? Woman don’t typically thrust themselves at old men with cash unless they are severely fuck outta luck and have a terrible life as is… or they just have a fetish for em. Prostitution is their JOB. And 9/10 they’re likely fucking slaves to a pimp or are being trafficked. Why tf do you think Trump was friends with Epstein??!