Now you want to gaslight me for not wanting to debate ShitGTP?
You sure have some nerve.
a single sentence in a decades-old essay should be taken as gospel without any consideration for its broader meaning or intent.
And there we go, you believe the context excuse while I said THERE IS NO CONTEXT.
Nothing in that document negates that statement. If there is something that shows that part can be misinterpreted then YOU prove it.
As I said there’s plenty of proof the US/west is was involved, from the funding decades ago and the failed orange revolution to the nazi coup that the west claim as peaceful while they clearly used arms and extreme violence.
It is also proven it was the regime changers who shot at protesters to escalate violence.
OC that is years later and the dammage is done, the MSM won’t report those things anyway.
I bet you also missed that in your ‘research’.
And I bet you also missed the leaked call where the US is deciding who should run that totally independent democratic country.
Or the west training and arming nazis to prepare for the war.
This while the Minsk agreements were in effect but admitted by Merkel they never ment to honor them.
There’s plenty of things, maybe look further than the US regime echo-chamber.
Definitely, only difference is here you don’t get banned at the speed of light if your opinion doesn’t fit the group.
How much faster we could’ve change the world if we only were as smart as these Americans and stopped shopping at certain stores.
What a revolutionary act that will destroy fascism in no time!
Besides, Americans will do this for a week and then feel it is too much effort.
Or when they get a good deal on a vat of Coke.
ChatGTP is shit.
It is wildly unreliable at best and often straight up lying and giving misinformation.
The irony that you call yourself wise for using it. LOL
I did waste precious seconds reading the first lines before I noticed your cheap trickery.
If I recall it mentioned context, as you do this time.
A little story about ‘context’ and factcheckers.
Probably ShitGPT got the mustard there.
I almost didn’t believe the appauling Soros quote the first time it got mentioned to me so I factchecked, since I’m wise.
One of the results was from one of those respectable, totally unbiased don’t fall for Ruzzia propaganda! factcheckers.
Title:“Did Soros say this? Answer: no”
When you read the rest of this garbage they mention in fact that he did literally say this but “we have to look at the context and then we have to say he didn’t”.
Which is sometimes a valid argument.
Only problem, there was zero context to misunderstand or interpret this.
So basically another lie to cover their first lie.
But anyway enough about this quote. There’s plenty of evidence for decades the US wanted this to happen.
But something tells me that doesn’t matter to you in the slightest.
As predictable as your first superfluous brainfart, yawn
LOL you really tick all the boxes of an unoriginal Reddit brainrot drone.
Russian propaganda.
How many rubles does it pay?
I bet you also use the Xi bucks 100 social credits.
You’re cringe and boring
What I said IS true, and NATO expansion with nukes right on Russia’s border + having illegal nazi the coup regime attack the ethnic Russians in the east is valid reason to intervene.
The ukes have been used as a proxy by the US , their usual MO. No sympathy for them.
Don’t you wish you were back on the Reddit circle jerk where you could have me banned for an opinion that goes against the US regime narrative.
Go cry over there.
is that your brilliant 2 cents instead of anything remotely relevant?
The front collapses when they run out of people.
And that is a fact, it’s not a suggestion or opinion.
There aren’t going to more people to send.
Honestly do you think then can achieve anything more than going backwards slowly?
It is the US that wants them to lower the age to 18.
To the last Ukrainian.
They benefit in plenty ways
LOL the people are putting recruitment centers on fire.
The kidnappers have to fight every time they try to kidnap some poor kid or granddad.
zelenski, who has almost no suppport from the people and is illegally in charge tru not having elections will do anything his masters tell him.
It was very clear the UK/US didn’t want peace and sabotaged the deal they almost had.
This has nothing to do with Trump, everything with a hopeless situation that already should’ve been clear even before the summer ‘offensive’ that got them literally nowhere.
But it took even more time for most propaganda good news fantasy media to have the courage to print the truth while reality was catching up to them.
Hey even now there are still clowns egging them on saying they can win this.
But you can think what you want, the facts and reality will decide, not wishful thinking
thanks chat GTP I hope your AI isn’t conscious and won’t be offended when I don’t read your BS essay
They are not in charge, the US/NATO is. They are merely only doing the fighting and dying.
As it was written decades ago by what people call a philanthropist for some reason:
the combination of manpower from Eastern Europe with the technical capabilities of NATO would greatly enhance the military potential of the Partnership because it would reduce the risk of body bags for NATO countries, which is the main constraint on their willingness to act.
Yes you really are that good. Amaaazeeeing!!! Not only do you make incredibly valuable observations but you also are clearly more than aware of how brilliant your contributions to this community are. The whole world of Lemmy will never forget what you did on this day.
Yes, everyone is at one point. Is looking that up your valuable contribution?
Are you Canadian? Looks like the government there is more than OK with nazis.
A monarch. Not a dictator.
He certainly was a dictator. These 2 are not mutually exclusive.
As always the ones put in place by the west get good PR. There was also nothing wrong with Mobutu or Saddam as long as they did what was asked.
Even Wikipedia (a usually western biased and manipulated source) admits this.
The Pahlavi dynasty—Reza Shah Pahlavi and his son Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi—has sometimes been described as a “royal dictatorship”,[2] or “one man rule”,[3] and employed secret police, torture, and executions to stifle political dissent. During Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi’s reign, estimates of the number of political prisoners executed vary from less than 100[1] to 300.
What I know from the ‘opposition’ the US supports is that they chose the MEK terrorists. They simply took them of their own terror list since they can be used.
Same as they did with that horrible Jolani and his headchopper barbarians in Syria.
They’re cops and the vast majority are probably racist magats. They just use this as an excuse so they can sit on their fat ass and not do extra work. There’s donuts to be eaten and minorities to be shot.
Thanks but doesn’t work if you’re site-banned.
I wish I could see what scummy mods removed my comments and got me banned
Now? As if they were so ethical all those decades before.