Awoo [she/her]


If you need me try matrix but be patient as I don’t check it daily.

  • 0 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • It’s the second post on our /all/ page?

    You’ve all got to get used to the way federation works. Because everyone is federated with different instances the /all/ page is different for different instances. This means that when a thread reaches /all/ on a specific instance you will get a lot of their users showing up at the same time. This is true of all the large instances, and pour into our threads all at once when they reach the top of their feeds, but it’s different for every site so you get this outcome where a lot happens all at once.

  • That’s not a socialist state. It’s a capitalist state with welfare. If the political structure of the state itself has not been reworked to put the workers in power what you’re describing is just a state where the bourgeoisie (who control power) have decided to do welfare, usually for their own benefit such as reducing revolutionary energy by providing the workers with concessions (the welfare state). That is social democracy.

    You do not have socialism without overthrowing the hierarchy that places the bourgeoisie as the ruling class:

    Capitalism = Capitalists in power. Proles repressed.

    Socialism = Proletariat in power. Capitalists repressed.

    Communism = No more classes, only 1 class because the bourgeoisie have been completely phased out.

  • The US assisted in the 2014 fascist coup that led to the fascist transitionary government, the deployment of all the fascist militias to attacking the donbas, and the 8 year long civil war that led to Russia eventually invading.

    Your mindset on this shit is that it began in 2022 which is false, the US has been stoking it since 8 years earlier. If you want we could go even further back though, Operation Aerodynamic was the US operation to fund, arm and support fascists in Ukraine in order to destabilise the soviet union. Absolutely none of this would be happening today without the US’ historic support of fascists.

  • The European powers are far more firmly committed.

    So firmly committed that america had to blow up one of germany’s pipelines? Are you having a fucking laugh?

    Everyone I speak to, you know, normal people, thinks this is a fucking stupid distraction from domestic politics and the consistently declining standard of living we are seeing. America has ended european prosperity with this shit and it won’t recover for 50 years. You think people here haven’t noticed that?

  • It’s a one-party state with all candidates chosen by the party.

    It may wear the skin of a democracy, but it is not a democracy.

    This is the vaguest description ever and it’s not even correct with the vague points. There are multiple parties, and given that there are multiple parties the candidates certainly aren’t chosen by one party.

    How are candidates chosen? Who elects them? When are elections held? What is the structure of the elections?

    Do you know any of these things? Serious question. Have you ever investigated and learned this topic thoroughly? You know how the US system works I assume, I bet you vaguely understand some other systems too, like parliamentary ones such as the UK (or not, could be wrong). Have you ever actually investigated the topic or have you just passively repeated vague statements made by other people who are also passively repeating vague statements about it?

    If you want me to I can in fact give you a fairly good summary of how the Chinese system actually works. But do you even want to know? Are you actually open to learning?