Have you checked out Tales of Maj’Eyal (tome)? Very highly praised roguelike, and lots of reviews consider it the roguelike.
Have you checked out Tales of Maj’Eyal (tome)? Very highly praised roguelike, and lots of reviews consider it the roguelike.
Honesty I’m shocked nobody has mentioned Tales of Maj’Eyal or ToME for short. Extremely deep roguelike with story and it is getting expansions ans updates all the time.
Also it is open-source, so can be downloaded for free, but I would recommend you also buy it in steam for instance to support it.
Quantum computers eh? Yeah that’s not even remotely true. Currently they are a scientific curiosity with very very little practical use.
I don’t get it. Actually well working AI NPCs sound fucking amazing. To have an actual conversation about anything in the game by typing your questions? That’s like the wet dream of an RPG.
Have writers write the background info, some lore stuff, “books” about stuff in the game etc.
I want to have a conversation with all the NPCs and choose from four premade questions about a quest I am on.
And yes, obviously they have to work well or they’re extremely awkward and anti-immersive.
Valikoima on hankala asia kun lisenssejä ei myydä kirjastoille enää. Fyysisissä kirjoissa ei tarvitse julkaisijan lupaa mutta e-kirjoissa tarvitsee. https://yle.fi/a/74-20081754
Tämä selittää sen minkä takia olen kiroillut kirjaston e-kirjavalikoiman olevan aivan sysipaska.
Pitää kurkkia tuota joskus jos vaikka paranisi mutta epäilen. Kyynikko sisälläni puhuu mutta joo. Miksipäs kustantamot myisi lisenssejä kirjastoille kun herran jumala ne vois jopa tehdä jotain hyvää niillä lisensseillä jotka auttaa koko kansakuntaa? Eihän sellaista suvaita.
Your spoiler for the signature is broken BTW.
The report is interesting but also a bit misleading. It includes all emissions from a product as being from the company that made it. So you buy a car and drive it around for 100 000km and the pollution from that driving is attributed to the company.
Basically that after blooming with small amounts of water you pour 40% of your entire brew size, wait, and pour the remaining 60%.
Some people say that the first pour determines how sweet the coffee is and yeah, I have a hard time believing it.
Yeah, so problem isn’t phones. Problem is that teachers don’t have enough authority. If teachers cannot take away the phone, then just toss them out.
I feel like this “ban phones” is getting common but it does not fix the actual problem of teachers not being able to keep discipline in class.
That is kinda disappointing. I had a distaste for Brave after all the initial controversy regarding the ad blocking, which only got worse from the crypto crap they now have in the browser.
I’ll still keep paying for Kagi, but this is a step in the wrong direction in my opinion. Let’s hope at least the results get noticeably better.
If you want a bit better graphics I’d recommend you check out Tales of Maj’Eyal (ToME for short). It is on steam but the game is open-source and can be downloaded for free on its website.