It seems both produce nearly identical grind profile. The DF54 is slower.

I’m considering replacing a Sette with a DF54.

Does anyone have the DF54? Impressions?

    1 year ago

    I over-bought on size and have a hopper that holds nearly a pound of beans; I rarely grind more than a shot a day, for myself.

    That’s what’s happening in cafes with their EK43s anyway.

    Does the anti-static feature really seem to work, in your experience?

    Mine is the OG DF64, anti static feature is not there. RDT. I got mine because of SSP compatibility and my Eureka Mignon is showing its age. And I wanted something that can handle espresso and filter.

    • It seems from the video as if that’s the strength of the DFs: versatility. Frankly, my palette is not sophisticated enough to tell the difference between a dedicated espresso grinder and a general purpose grinder like the DFs.

      My current grinder is a Pasquini Moka; it’s a lovely grinder, it’s just a lot of machine for 3x/w cappuccinos :-/