Five Republican Minnesota state senators plan to introduce a bill classifying “Trump Derangement Syndrome” (TDS) as a mental illness, defining it as “acute paranoia” about Trump’s presidency.
The bill argues TDS causes hysteria, verbal hostility, and aggression toward Trump supporters.
Critics argue this represents a dangerous politicization of mental health diagnoses that could suppress political expression.
The bill will be read Monday before the Minnesota Senate Health and Human Services Committee, where Democrats hold a narrow majority.
The senators who proposed this should be removed from office. This is beyond a farce.
And what Trump is doing it not? The only laws that still exist, is the ones that repress people they don’t like.
I’ve always thought Trump Derangement Syndrome better described MAGATurds. THEY are the ones who are absurdly and inexplicably in love with him, no matter how poorly he treats them.
TDS was always a sham, a way to write off all concerns and protests of Trump. “Oh don’t listen to them, those who question Fearless Leader only do so because they’re insane. He is perfect and loves everybody”
Geez, all of this because Obama just had to wear that tan suit in 2014.
So Gender Dysphoria is bullshit, but TDS requires tax payer money thrown at it…
Shut up GOP you’re drunk
I can’t tell if they’re joking or are dead serious anymore.
I have a mental illness – 2 of them actually, Major Depressive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Possibly will get PTSD thrown in that mix soon too. Therapists and Psychiatrists use a little book called the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM-5 for short. Unless they can convince the APA to include TDS in the DSM-6 then it’s not a mental illness.
This is nothing but thought policing and a way to label someone with mental illness when they really don’t have one. It’s also causing all of the work that’s been done recently by NAMI, MHA, and AFSP to try to end the stigma surrounding mental illness to be set back to the era of mental institutions (something that their beloved Reagan did away with).
But what the hell, might as well add it to the DSM-6 and slap TDS on top of all my other mental illnesses 🤷🏻♂️
they’re both. they’re trolling us, and they’re deadly serious. it’s the “haha jk unless” approach to manifesting Overton window shifts with irony, aka meme magic.
my comment here analyzes it more:
the fucked up part is if there is a president after Trump it will take decades to fix the damage he did in 2 months.
we’re still suffering from Regan’s decisions
There will be a president after him. He cannot live forever, thank fuck.
Whether that president is actually democratically elected is yet to be seen.
And I’ll fucking wear that diagnosis with pride. Fuck them all, he’s factually terrible.
…they freaked out because Obama ate spicy mustard…
Yeah it wasn’t really about the mustard or the tan suit or the birth certificate.
ODS baybee
Would it be so hard to put Minnesota in the title? (Not op, the publisher) (But also op)
Me getting my monthly disability check after beging diagnosed with “TDS”:
This is a test. They’re seeing if they can outlaw objecting to Dear Leader by legally classifying it as a dangerous psychological condition.
This is not about mental health diagnoses. This is the pregame to the American edition of the night of the long knives.
This is what Putin does to Russians who criticise him, eg making anti-ukraine war stickers or graffiti.
This is also what used to happen to women who wanted to get a divorce or generally wouldn’t obey her father or husband. They called it hysteria and thought that it was because of the ‘wandering womb’, yep they thought her womb was wandering around her body, woo woo.
Look up what they did to JFK’s sister. It’s fucking wild. It was considered a “reasonable treatment” at the time.
Its insane, I guess they do want to bring back those traditional values - of having someone committed for disagreeing with you.
Projection. Again.
It’s funny because the Republicans are the ones suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Back in 16~17 a guy I was working with was accusing people of suffering from tds. One day he said it to me , I laughed and said " you don’t know where that term comes from do you?"
He looked at me confused and curious “no, where did it come from?”
I said "man that’s some shit Hilary Clinton came up with to describe trump supporters , your so fucking stupid your using it all wrong 🤣!
I never heard him say anything about tds around me again.
You’re joking though, right?
I have no idea where it came from, sounds like something rush Limbaugh would have said actually. I was just getting tired of hearing dude say it to people
We live in a fucking clown world.