Anyone have this?
What’s the cause?
My thoughts: I am told, that I walk with a noticeable hop in my step, this may mean I have one dominant leg, maybe longer.
Just double knot it.
Slight difference in how you are trying your knots? Starting knot may be reversed. Does the bow sit naturally across the shoe or does it lay unnaturally vertically down the length of the shoe? I recommend learning the Ian’s knot
For slippery shoelaces that seem to come undone all the time, I’m so happy I learned Ian’s Secure Knot. It’s very strong, but still comes undone easily only if you pull on both of the lace endings at the same time. Pulling on one end won’t cause the knot to come undone. Once you’re practiced, it only takes a bit longer to tie than a regular shoelace knot.
Yes! It’s easy to untie unlike a double knot. Unties fast but only if you do it intentionally.
Don’t take this wrong, but are you tying your shoes wrong?
Without touching them, look at your shoes and tell me which direction the bows are going. Are the ends of the bow pointed to your toe and heel like this?
***** * * * * --8-- * * ******
Or are the ends of the bow pointed to each side of your shoe?
***** * * * * --∞-- * * ******
If you have the first one (toe and heel pointing), you’re tying the knot wrong. You’ve got a knot that will untie itself.
Interesting! How do you tie it the right way?
Left over right, then right over left. This creates a proper shoelace knot (aka double slipped square knot). You need to alternate. The alternation creates a self-tightening knot. If you do left over left, left over left (or the other way), then you’ve just done a granny knot, which will fall apart
Double knot, many of my shoes/boots have had the cheapest possible laces that have no friction between them. Since I started to double knot I no longer have that problem. Alternately get the slightly elastic laces that stretch a little
Double knots are the worst. So hard to untie. Try Ian’s Secure Knot
This is the GOAT shoelace knot. Especially for round laces that like to slip more than flat ones.
Interesting knot. As I stated my shoelaces are usually the cheap ones that come with the shoes, so come undone fairly easily (adds about 2 seconds to untie). Quality laces would be much harder to remove. I have been tying shoes for so long it is hard to even do the other foot first, let alone learn a new knot and to overcome 45ish years of tying habit, hell I usually tie in the dark hehe