It is a real possibility. I only watch one episode of anime a day. Yet, at that pace I finish SOL shows more quickly then they are released. It will take many many years but it can get to that point. So I guess “ever expanding” isn’t quite correct. It feels that way because I discover some new shows to watch but in theory it runs dry at some point.
Yeah that feels naturally, I am in the same situation. It is interesiting, are people, who faced with that problem, exist. I think most of us just stop being interested in anime before that happen.
I haven’t seen Mitsuboshi Colors yet. It’s on the ever expanding list things to watch.
It’s scares me to think that one day the list of slices-to-watch might be empty.
It is a real possibility. I only watch one episode of anime a day. Yet, at that pace I finish SOL shows more quickly then they are released. It will take many many years but it can get to that point. So I guess “ever expanding” isn’t quite correct. It feels that way because I discover some new shows to watch but in theory it runs dry at some point.
Yeah that feels naturally, I am in the same situation. It is interesiting, are people, who faced with that problem, exist. I think most of us just stop being interested in anime before that happen.