pantyhose seem to be the stabler choice, meaning the garment won’t slide down after much walking but it seems to be a hassle if you have to go to the toilet. Hold ups (thigh highs) seem to be the easier choice, provided they do indeed stay up.

Any reason why pantyhose are better than hold ups?

If you’ve used both, do hold ups really stay up? How often do you need to adjust?

If I buy pantyhose, am I supposed to wear undies with it? It seems to be too much fabric down there.

Brands I’m considering are wolford and falke. I’m 5.9 feet tall, 31.4 inches waist diameter and 35 inches hip diameter. Wolford seems to be a good choice for tall and skinny women. According to their size charts I should buy an M. I’m not so sure with falke, because here my size should be an L, but I don’t know if this means the hold up/pantyhose would be too wide around my thighs and have creases or look stupid. If you’ve compared both, should I discard falke?

Is it a sign of bad quality if the silicone rings are exposed on hold ups? Some cottelli hold ups have exposed rings, but these are considerable cheaper than wolford or falke, although you only see them on the side touching your skin, the other side being covered with fabric. Is it also like this on higher end garments?

As said, if I buy hold ups I’d like them to cover as much leg as possible. Somebody told me hold ups cover up to one hand below your buttocks. Do you know of any brand for tall women that covers more than that?

Would it be a good idea to buy crotchless pantyhose? Sometimes I think it would be a healthier option for that area.

    26 days ago

    Great write-up!! As much as I hate pantyhose, they’re my preferred option if I can’t go with bare legs.

    I second the suggestion to buy a size larger (and taller). The worst part is a sagging crotch and a digging waistband. Depending on the way they’re built, I sometimes make tiny cuts in the waistband (like notches that don’t cut all the way through) to give a little extra stretch. It doesn’t look pretty but no one will see it and it helps smooth out the area.

    Oh, and I’ve tried the crotchless kind and it felt like I was pissing my pants when I went to the washroom. Plus I felt nasty sitting on a public toilet seat with my pantyhose on. So I second your comments on those too ❤️