For those interested in the Vision Pro, let me know what questions you have about the device. I’ll be getting mine this afternoon and will be trying out all the features.

Here are some helpful links:
Apple User Guide

    8 months ago

    I don’t mean this to sound insulting but for regular people, the VR headsets of the last 10 years have been toys. You couldn’t really do work on them due to the low res screens. It wasn’t until recently that the screens have gotten decent enough to actually use for work. (Vision Pro, Bigscreen VR, others I’m not aware of)

    Yes, you can still socialize with people irl but it’s not the same. It’s not the same as being able to sit down next to someone you care about, watch a show they were already watching, and share an experience with them. It’s very much a 1 experience per person per headset sort of thing. I’m not saying this is bad, more of just an observation/opinion

    So from what I can tell, the Vision Pro is like strapping an iPad to your face. Yes you can still do work on it but it can’t replace a Mac (yet) and it only allows you to make one virtual screen per paired Mac. If it could make more virtual screens, I could accept the Vision Pro more than I do now. At the moment, a Mac or PC and 2 or 3 monitors seems like the better buy

    I don’t have a problem with VR gaming, but this is Apple, almost none of the games people want to play support Apple hardware. So I see the Vision Pro as being way too expensive if you just intend to play games on it.

    I don’t really have an issue with anything ND you said regarding children and VR. I understand why kids want VR because, with current tech, it still seems like a toy. I want to know what adults are doing with these things. More specifically, I want to know what adults whom are similar to me, are doing with these headsets.

    I think you focused a little too much on when I said “healthy adult”. I didn’t mean to say VR is unhealthy, I just meant that I understand why people with disabilities would have more use for these than healthy people.

    My opinion on the Vision Pro is that, in its current form, it’s really limiting for $3500. The tech is really cool, don’t get me wrong, I can see some uses for it, but atm, it still seems like an expensive experience you can’t share with others irl. Long term, I’m bullish on AR/VR, but for now, the compromises are off putting

      8 months ago

      The only part of this that I agree with is the “last 10 years have been toys”. The Vision is the best VR headset I’ve ever used and I fully expect it will be jailbroken or that games will release for it. I backed the Oculus kickstarter and have bought a new headset every generation since and this one blows them all out of the water.