• Justice@lemmygrad.ml
    12 days ago

    By David Frum

    No thanks.

    David Frum is just a less-successful, shittier Julius Streicher. One among many.

    For his 25 years of speaking, writing and preaching hatred of the Jews, Streicher was widely known as ‘Jew-Baiter Number One.’ In his speeches and articles, week after week, month after month, he infected the German mind with the virus of anti-Semitism, and incited the German people to active persecution. … Streicher’s incitement to murder and extermination at the time when Jews in the East were being killed under the most horrible conditions clearly constitutes persecution on political and racial grounds in connection with war crimes, as defined by the Charter, and constitutes a crime against humanity.

    From the judgement against him. Now replace “Jews” with “Muslims” or “Iraqis” or “Afghans” and replace applicable words to fit the American context.

    Imagine how many of these little-Hitlers would go “bye-bye!” if we applied the WOKE standards Streicher was held to at Nuremberg.

    David Frum directly aided, knowingly, in frothing up libs to allow two genocides to happen during two major wars that left two countries totally crippled. He’s already complicit in the deaths of at least two million people between Iraq and Afghanistan, and that number will surely only rise in time.

    It is funny to see all the right wingers crying about “woke” when their techno-daddy Elon would’ve been hanged if be were around in the 1930s/40s to run Nazi Twitter. If woke means hanging a few Nazis, I guess I’m wide awake, lids peeled back style. Go more woke! Hang more!

      • Justice@lemmygrad.ml
        12 days ago

        Yeah I don’t doubt that. I just say 2M because it’s the generally agreed upon starting place. After that people try to parse out what “counts” for the numbers. Like people don’t want to count deaths due to chemical exposure, radiation, starvation after direct occupation ended, etc. even though that all very clearly is the fault of the US and allies. The ongoing political strife and any assassinations or purges that occur are also directly on the US. There’s also the number of casualties which I don’t even know the numbers on… probably 10x based on other conflicts. Someone that didn’t die but still got blinded or lost limbs. Or children born with birth defects due to environmental contamination caused by the US. All the stuff doctors and experts all know exactly where to place blame for it, and yet the western media will essentially NEVER mention deaths and casualties except to mention the whatever number of US soldiers that died or were wounded. Just blatant dehumanization. Victim blaming, etc. Frum is just an especially gross little worm but only one of thousands like him. It’s why I find it incredibly hard to muster much sympathy when they whine about Trump saying he’s gonna do whatever to them. Trump found the right thing for the wrong reasons to at least some of the weasels… meh, I’d take it.