Is nintendo replacing their lawyers with ai soon too?
Isn’t this the same broken AI that has been striking youtube videos about Minecraft clients? Why is every company suddenly using this?
Edit: Yes it is. I really don’t know what to say anymore. Imagine applying youtube’s broken copyright system to the entire internet, but even worse.
Because they can. There are no laws stopping them.
There are provisions in the DMCA for filing false claims.
It’s easy to file a DCMA claim.
It’s harder to challenge it, let alone go after those faking it.
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Energy wasted to create an AI image to have more energy wasted to have an AI remove it. I’d say this is a win for AI
AI actually stands for Artificial Incredible harm being caused to the planet
I’ll stop using ai when Pearson stops using ai to generate broken homework assignments. Sometimes the only way to get whatever incorrect answer the ai autograder is looking for is to fish it out from the model.
It’s more of a win for Nintendo really.
I forgot the “/s” at the end 😀.
But on that point, Nintendo’s actions are making it more difficult for me to play on my switch.
Flood the net with photos and make their AI work overtime costing them lots
Flood it with AI copies of official Mario content. Train the copyright software to associate the context of the official art to get the official art taken down.
The Mario detection tool seems to be catching fan art in the crossfire, too.
That’s the actual headline.
Why does the title specify that the tool is taking down “AI-generated” pictures if the article focuses on how it’s taking down fan art indiscriminately?
Because anything AI-related gets more clicks.
Two can play that game. I bet it is possible to create an AI tool that generates and posts Mario pictures faster than they can take them down. Why you’d want to do that I don’t know.
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Why you want to waste Nintendos lawyers time?
Because it’s a noble goal. Nintendo are massive shit cunts to everyone else.
Spite. That’s why.
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I just want to see Nintendo go after all the Rule34 stuff. It might be the one thing that could exhaust their resources.
I thought AI generated pictures were automatically public domain and unable to be copyrighted?
You’ve got that the other way around. You can’t copyright AI generated pictures, but pictures created by AI can still be taken down as violations of copyright law.
I don’t think that’s how it works. If it exactly looks like something protected by laws like copyright or whatever your country uses, I highly doubt that any court would say that it’s fine just because it was created by AI.
Do you have the time and money to fite that in court against Nintendo?
Nintendo is trying to protect their number one Mario drawer.
Just let the man have a pint! He’s certainly earned it.
It was only a matter of time, especially for Nintendo.