Ad Blocking Infringes Copyright? Ancient Sony Cheat Lawsuit May Prove Pivotal
Reminder: Install Ublock Origin
When the web pages are called up by the web browser, the HTML file is transferred to the RAM on the user’s device. To display the HTML file, the web browser interprets its content, creating additional data structures. The plaintiff sees the influence on these data structures by the ad blocker as an unauthorized modification of a computer program
This has to be the most idiotic thing I read this week.
The plaintiff sees the influence on these data structures by the ad blocker as an unauthorized modification of a computer program
“Wearing eye glasses modifies the text in a copyrighted book”
The curl command is a hacking tool for copyright infringement.
Gotta make curl illegal now. Or why stop there? All Http clients! Nothing could go wrong 😊
How very very dare you to modify the contents of this media to your liking, you horrible soulless excuse for a human being.
How dare you interpret this media with your mind in a way we never intended! Now that your brain has processed our information, it is an asset of Sony corporation. All your brain and its thoughts below to us.
Html isn’t a program or programming language.
The original idiocy here is the DMCA, this and the other idiocies practised in its name are consequences. Over time the idiocies build up as case law precedents until new and ever more egregious cases are made, some of which stick (as in throw shit at the wall and see what sticks) and the cycle continues. Eventually the only way to root it out becomes new legislation.
Eventually the only way to root it out becomes new legislation.
Or violence, which is justified self-defense when tyrants are trying to destroy everyone’s property rights.
Make no mistake: these companies are trying to subjugate us and turn us into the digital equivalent of serfs, to be exploited without recourse. We should be a lot more pissed off about this than we are!
Well that’s dystopian as fuck, ads are a legitimate security threat with the amount of malware, scams, and other shady stuff advertisements online frequent contain.
Edit: Not even a day later there’s a report about Google ads straight up serving malware because of fucking course that happened…
You can take my ad blockers when you pry them from my cold, dead body.
Fucking fascists.
This has the same energy as shutting your eyes and blocking your ears during a commercial being piracy.
Drink verification can.
“The mute button will be re-enabled after this sponsored break. Please keep your eyes open and on the screen.”
Just because you send me malware after some text I wanted to read (in http response), don’t give you rights to force me to execute the malware.
Just because I have your book (or page) and look at part of it doesn’t give you the right to force me to read it in full or dictate how I’m reading it.
I have every right to reveal/read only part of the book/page. We didn’t sign any agreement, if you want me to first look at the part you want to or agree to some license nothing stopping you to do, stuff like paywall or subscription exists…
Forcing my computer to display ads infringes on my actual property rights as owner of the machine.
It’s beyond the pale that we’re even contemplating letting Imaginary Property “rights” (read: temporary privileges) trump actual property rights, let alone actually doing it.
One would think that this is very thin ice for a counter suit, in that how may advertising houses have looked at the source of adblockers to work around them?