Authorities have released shocking video that shows a white police officer in Illinois shooting a Black woman – who called police in fear of a home intruder – in the face, killing her.

    2 months ago

    This is pretty out of touch as someone who sees new bodycam videos daily of cops violating people’s civil rights and who has had run ins with crooked cops. In places like Portland and Seattle, the police departments have been under federal consent decrees due to a pattern of violating constitutional rights. This isn’t relegated to the deep south and is actually quite common in the more “liberal” cities of the country (CO police have had numerous issues lately). We’re just a couple years out from George Floyd and things have barely changed.

      2 months ago

      someone who sees new bodycam videos daily of cops violating people’s civil rights

      That doesn’t mean anything though. You can find new body cam videos daily of cops bending over backwards to try to protect people’s rights. Neither of it means anything. It could be happening 1% of the time, or 50%, or 99%, and there would still be daily videos showing one or the other. The US is a big place; there are literally millions of new bodycam videos being produced every single day.

      I actually don’t know what the number is - I have kind of my perception that it’s rare but that’s not based on too much hard data tbh. Do you know anything in terms of how quantitatively common it is?

      Actually maybe a more basic question - can you send me a couple of these videos from this week? You and I may have different definitions of violating people’s civil rights.

      and who has had run ins with crooked cops

      I mean I am biased because in my area the cops are super professional; I’ve seen them in more than one heated dispute with someone and never seen them be anything but cool about it. But like I say I think the real question is how quantitatively common it is.

      In places like Portland and Seattle, the police departments have been under federal consent decrees due to a pattern of violating constitutional rights.

      Can you tell me more / link to a story? I would want to know more about it.

      We’re just a couple years out from George Floyd

      4 years

      The big shift that I saw was after 2020 with George Floyd and the other big instances that year and the massive shitstorm that ensued. Honestly, that stuff makes a difference. Without the protest I think things would have stayed more or less in the sometimes-yes-sometimes-no land.

      But like I say that’s all just my anecdotal perception. I actually think it would be good to bring something quantifiable to it.

        2 months ago

        It doesn’t really matter if some cops bend over backwards to help people when they turn around and circle the wagons every time one of them harms an innocent person, violates someone’s rights, beats their spouses, murders someone, robs someone via asset forfeiture, or commits a slough of other crimes.

        The issue is the lack of accountability from their departments and the laws that make them immune from being held liable for their actions. The expression goes “a few bad apples spoil the bunch” and those apples have been rotting for decades. Imagine going into your job, shooting someone in the face because something like an acorn falling startled you, and all your boss does is send you on a two week paid vacation. How fucking insane is that?

        Here’s some channels to check out:

        Portland and Seattle consent decrees:

        I don’t think much has changed in the last 4 years. It seems people just dug their heels in about things. I will say there has been progress but it’s very slow.and incremental and only the most egregious cases like this are prosecuted when previously they would have been swept under the rug.

          2 months ago

          It doesn’t really matter if some cops bend over backwards to help people when they turn around and circle the wagons every time one of them harms an innocent person, violates someone’s rights, beats their spouses, murders someone, robs someone via asset forfeiture, or commits a slough of other crimes.


          About 90% of stories I see in the modern day, with the OP article as a good example, involve the cops involved being brought up on charges

          This is exactly what I’m saying: The culture has reformed significantly, and instead of saying “oh cool let’s move on to the next thing which is an actual problem, of which there is no shortage”, the reaction every time some cop does something wrong and is brought up on charges is “CONSEQUENCES wtf everyone knows cops are bullshit I bet they get off with” etc etc

          Portland and Seattle consent decrees:

          Sounds like Portland PD is a bunch of shit. I may revise my assessment of the bullshit PDs across the country to include them (along with NYPD and LAPD yes) instead of just talking about the Deep South.

          The Seattle one is a lot harder to make sense of; the links are broken. For example I was real into reading the article “Don’t defund Seattle police without building the right bridges” but I cannot. I actually think I probably will agree with its assessment and that what it’s saying is probably a perfect example of what I am talking about.

          I’ve heard from people who are involved in some of these “replace the police with mental health professionals” programs, and they say it’s working well. The people get better help, the mental health professionals get to intervene before it’s a big violent crisis, and the cops aren’t thrust into situations they’re not trained for. The cops go along with the call when violence or weapons are involved, but the mental health people lead, and literally everyone wins.

          That makes sense to me. It’s progress. What doesn’t make sense is DEFUND THE POLICE FUCK THE PIGS WE DON’T NEED YOU SHOOTING THIS GUY OH MY GAWD NOW HE STABBED ME HELP HELP HELP. And also starving the department of resources and making it a real shit-on-the-person unpopular job, so now they have trouble hiring people and have to kind of take what they can get in terms of hiring some not-ideal people.

          Like you don’t need to make somebody into an enemy if they’re not. Police are there for a reason. You can’t hire them to fulfill a needed societal function and then just shit on them all the time regardless of what they do because of some stereotype based on a big news story about the worst thing that any single policeman anywhere in the country did, back in 2020.

          I know in your world every single cop is some dog-shooting civil forfeiture person, but that is not reality. I don’t know how to explain it (especially if in your part of the country the PD actually is shitty, which it sounds like maybe is the case in the Northwest), but that’s how I see it.

            2 months ago

            About 90% of stories I see in the modern day, with the OP article as a good example, involve the cops involved being brought up on charges

            These are the egregious cases I talked about right here:

            I will say there has been progress but it’s very slow.and incremental and only the most egregious cases like this are prosecuted

            But police abuse happens all the time. It’s just not salacious enough for the national media to pick up the story for you to see.

            The Seattle one is a lot harder to make sense of; the links are broken.

            You can easily Google “Seattle police consent decree” if you’re interested in learning more. You brought up LAPD which us another perfect example as it has been reported that they have actual bonafide gangs operating within the department.

        2 months ago

        You can find new body cam videos daily of cops bending over backwards to try to protect people’s rights

        please link to one

          2 months ago

          Sure, here’s one from Audit the Audit. I like that channel because it is more or less unique in taking neither the “pro police” or “anti police” viewpoint and just kind of taking things as they come and judging everyone involved in the interaction according to their behavior. Sometimes the cops are the good guys and sometimes they are the bad guys in it but it’s not like predisposed to one outcome or the other being always the answer, which it seems like is how almost every other person in the debate looks at it.

            2 months ago

            The problem with cops is similar to the problem we have with corporations/rich folk. Where corpos get to privatize gains and socialize losses, the policing establishment wants to systemically apply good PR/sentiment to the concept of cops while individually applying bad PR/sentiment to individuals(bad apples.)

          2 months ago

          I’ve seen plenty where I thought I would beat some ass, and the cops are cool. You won’t find much of that because why would anyone post a routine police interaction?

          Far be it for me to defend the pigs, I loathe them.