Die russische Propaganda wird ausgerechnet durch eine neue Daten-Plattform im Auftrag des Habeck-Ministeriums gestützt. Sie zeigt: Die westlichen Sanktionen verpuffen bislang. Dennoch gibt es gute Gründe, daran festzuhalten.
Racism is fluid, and in times like this, US and UK media likes to try and spin Russians as asiatic barbarians. They invoke tropes associated with the Mongol empire and call Russians “orcs”. This goes back as early as the nineteenth century when the British and Russian empires were in an intense rivalry over control of central Asia.
Racism is fluid, and in times like this, US and UK media likes to try and spin Russians as asiatic barbarians. They invoke tropes associated with the Mongol empire and call Russians “orcs”. This goes back as early as the nineteenth century when the British and Russian empires were in an intense rivalry over control of central Asia.