• lenz@lemmy.ml
    6 months ago

    Ok doomer.

    I say the above not as an insult, but because I want to make a point.

    Look up doomism. It’s a tool of climate change deniers. We are not dead yet. Nothing going on now is truly impossible to fix. It’s certainly not easy. It’s hard af. But just because it’s hard, doesn’t mean we should let ourselves give up. We shouldn’t let ourselves fall into a doomer mindset. Because the very moment we do, the moment we accept the doom, then the doom becomes our fate.

    Don’t give up. Don’t encourage other people to give up. Don’t say it’s over when we’re still fighting. It’s only over when it’s over.

    I bet World War II must have been psychologically devastating to witness. It must have felt like the whole world was falling apart. Like it would never bring itself back together. Can you imagine? Watching Hitler take over country after country. Watching the bombs fall in London. And the Cold War. Where people were so sure it was the end of humanity, because we were going to kill ourselves dropping nukes on each other.

    There are so many moments it was horrible. So horrible that we couldn’t even imagine there would be a way out. A good future.

    But there was. Things got better. Countries rebuilt. The Cold War ended. No one dropped any nukes.

    See, climate change, and companies taking our data, and AI, and the rich getting richer… all that? That’s our WWII. That’s our thing causing hopelessness and devastation and fear in everyone.

    The doomism is a plague we’ve been dealing with since probably the dawn of humanity.

    We can get through this. Maybe we won’t. But the chance we will isn’t even that small. As long as there’s a chance: fight for it.