Someone told me Thoth was a messenger god but I and everyone else are too dumb to understand what his message was.

    7 months ago

    Different religions represent fundamental-truths in different forms/ways.

    Thoth was a hominid-shaped form for karma.

    Thoth had 2 demands of the lives that Thoth judged:

    • you used your human-life honestly/intensely, so you didn’t just waste it coasting-by
    • your heart be lighter than a feather, aka you earned/evolved honesty & integrity.

    AwakeSoulism/Buddhism did-away with the hominid/animal forms, representing the fundamental-forces/principles, but they kept the same fundamental-forces/principles.

    1. There is no point in coasting through human-life, because all the other kinds-of-lives a Soul/ChildOfGod/CellOfGod/Continuum/ParticleOfBrahmanFieldOfFundamentalAwareness … are lacking in the perfect intersection between
    • suffering inducing motivation, &
    • capacity/opportunity, making motivation have “fertile soil”

    Below human-category, lives don’t have our diversity-of-senses, our considered-reasoning ( Kahneman System-2, from “Thinking Fast & Slow” ), & above human-category, sentience isn’t so circumstance-constrained, or semi-helpless, as to warrant earning real-change.

    ( I accidentally earned previous-Soul-memories, of other kinds of lives, back in the 1990’s, and when I discovered what those strange memories were, that nuked ALL the Abrahamic religions from objective-validity, and forced me into years of worldview-evolution, to meet/earn/hold-to the data/evidence.

    Non-autistics just ignore the contradicting evidence, the way Scientism does, with its cartoon oversimplifications, but I’d rather be autistic me, than be any normal, any day or eon. )

    1. ignorance/Soul-ignorance/ignosis blocks one’s Soul/CellOfGod from ever escaping the experience-enforcing-learning “machine” that endless-stream-of-Universes is, so if one wants to be released from contained-in-the-churn-of-phenomena, one needs to earn making one’s mind only out of kinds-of-mind that ignosis, & death, cannot grip on.
    • Faithing ( surrendering-entirely-to-higher-power, relying-entirely-on-higher-power, being-gratitude-for-its-nonself-centered-giving-of-helping )
    • Wisdom-piercing-ignorance-of-NoSelfInherentExistence
    • Bodhichitta, immeasurable-compassion-for-all-continuums-and–sentiences-but-controlled-by-wisdom’s-seeing-through-narcissism-etc.

    Those 3 substances-of-mind are all “lighter than a feather”, and therefore grant release-from-Soul-containment, when they are pure/absolute enough.

    To simply “climb Jacob’s Ladder”, however, is a worthy accomplishment, itself!

    Therefore, dying with a heart lighter than it had been before one’s life, was earned improvement: evolution.

    This should give the concept underlying Thoth.

    Goddess Isis was simply their culture’s representation for LivingSpirit, at one time.

    Oh, this need be said: differentiate between the root-idea, vs the soap-opera-accretions that “society” asserts onto such ones…

    E.g. for Hinduism to simultaneously hold that Shiva is

    • absolute, beyond-Universe YOGA, capable of altering the fundamental structure of Universes so that evolution can happen ( holding evil in abeyance, lodged in Shiva’s throat, after “drinking” it ) AND
    • incompetent to perceive soap-opera machiavellianism, and so ambush-assaulted into “completely losing control” & massacring everybody in the region, before putting their lives back, when Shiva regained control…

    Logic prohibits those 2 from coinciding, but Hinduism’s been disallowing logic, on that point, for many many centuries.

    Learn to cut-out the accretions-of-guff from the original-principles, when they’re still findable.

    Another example of that same principle is:

    Genesis, in the Abrahamic bible,

    Women ate “the fruit of The Knowledge of Good & Evil”, WHICH MEANS MORALITY,

    & shared morality with men.

    Male-culture’s bullying, of course, deliberately altered the scripture in order to put jealousy in God’s mouth, to justify accusing women of “eternal sin” in earning morality.

    Altruism is generalized mothering.

    Wasp-researchers from Bristol & Exeter universities, in Panama, discovered this.

    AwakeSoulism/Buddhism declared it 25 consecutive centuries ago.

    The proper reading of that story in Genesis shows it was originally in the root scripture, but got “graffitti’d” out by the male religion-authorities, through the past 12-ish millenia ( since the FLOOD which ended the last ice-age, drowning all the coastal civilization, now findable only through SCUBA diving, offshore, at 50’ up-to 400’ deep ).

    Beware the contaminations, & especially beware when entire factions have their “identity” welded onto the deliberate-contamination, instead of the underlying Truth … there you get the “religious” ideological/prejudice genocides, that the last few millenia have been filled-with.