Here’s a table I adapted from Louis Rossman’s video on the levels of piracy, grey areas and his morals and ethics on it. (spreadsheet file)

I tried to condense each rank and make it less about a specific type of media like CD audio or DVD video, along with a table of simplified characteristics of each situation. Of course more levels can be added and there are many situations not covered. This hierarchy is simply the way Louis ordered it from more to less justifiable; he respects people can think about it differently and I do too. He suggests that he doesn’t really care about people that pirate without giving a shit about creators, and that he only has a problem with people who aren’t honest with themselves about their motivations.

Setting legality aside, what ‘level of piracy’ is morally or ethically acceptable to you?

    6 months ago

    I’d say for myself it’s a tit for tat situation.

    If the company I hypothetically pirate from is a total prick, mistreats their employees, donates a part of the money they earned from my purchase to lobby to my government to reduce the rights of minorities, I won’t give a single fuck. I may even just never touch their product out of spite.

    Are they inoffensive and fairly neutral? I likely won’t pirate if I have the means to buy it.

    Are they basically ConcernedApe? I will follow them to the ends of the earth showering them with praise and riches. Never pirate and would actively shame those who do

      6 months ago

      Are they basically ConcernedApe?

      Literally the main person in mind when I was writing that last sentence 😂😂 he can have my money.

      Edit: I pirated stardew initially, then bought three copies over the years on different platforms, either for myself or as gifts for friends.