Turds gushing like a broken damn
Uhh, I guess one could argue that it’s poetic? Like he knows he’s a piece of shit. He knows there are other pieces of shit. But he’s too stupid to know that there are probably admins in multiple time zones when you go to sleep, NLP-powered blacklists and other automod tools. (I’m assuming)
wait did he set his username to specifically call you a slur?
we are definitely not smoking the same strain
probably not even smoking the same substance
I don’t mean crack or bath salts or whatever
I mean like, carbon monoxide, leaded gasoline and rare deliriants.
Didn’t know I was talking to a mod, so wasn’t intending to ass-kiss. Uh let me say something to prove I’m not biased but not break the rules.
Your 2nd favourite song probably isn’t all that great
You can’t lay a finger on an oligarch, so no one bothers.
Law: He’ll get pardoned, pre pardoned and whatever other bullshit he can think up.
Pitchforks: People have to unwillingly partake in the machine or the machine will crush their family. They can’t risk going up against the security detail of one of the richest people alive.
Marijuana: sorry that’s about as far as I can type for the night.
Main takeaway: That is a very good question that too few people will ask themselves before it affects them.