Is this a third party cookie?
Is this a third party cookie?
They appear to honk when a car is backing up within X feet towards them.
Car TOCs here already include consent for any passenger…insane.
The verge has been paid advertising disguised as tech news for decades now. Arstechnica too.
Still gonna grow 90% bots in the game and try to pass them off as human?
My wifes genesis is the same. Beeps if you do something beeps if you don’t beep beep beep beep. All the telemetry bullshit and bad ui combined with cheap hardware and latency. It sucks …
Tell me more about loves knob 😍
Private Equity firm bought them out a while ago and they fucked around. Now it’s the find out phase.
West Lafayette is still fun.
I saw these on my wife’s browser and was completely appalled. I am not receiving them for some reason, but I’m also running privacy badger and ublockO.
It can be noteworthy, and I agree a story is a carrot that might be worth another go.
Thanks for explaining!
So you agree EA is being abused across the industry but it’s ‘angry’ to ask if that’s the case here?
When you’ve been in ‘beta’ for several years, is this even news? They seem to just try to use it as a tactic for free sales bumps when needed.
Are you assuming this simply because apple doesn’t state the reason they end a relationship? Access journalism isn’t new or unique to apple.
Ewweew hydrox
This was a really cool endeavor and one we as a community should support in the hopes that more like it are made. The people and teams involved in these historic projects aren’t getting any younger.
There’s a reason everyone and their brother want you to install an app these days.
I too am fed up with all the data rape. Fuck off car companies, greedy assholes.
It’s not just FUD either, this shit is actively happening NOW:
Doesn’t Telegram have E2E encryption disabled by default?
Access journalism trends this way.