Oh yeah, absolutely. “self regulation” of businesses is just BS.
Oh yeah, absolutely. “self regulation” of businesses is just BS.
Never ever believe companies when they make promises like “we will have x by date y”. Especially if date y is further away than maybe the end of the year. Shell also made big promises and then quietly dropped them. Of course the making of the promise came with a big PR budget. The dropping of the plans was silent. Weird how that works…
Never ever believe companies when they make promises like “we will have x by date y”. Especially if date y is further away than maybe the end of the year. Shell also made big promises and then quietly dropped them. Of course the making of the promise came with a big PR budget. The dropping of the plans was silent. Weird how that works…
Yeah does it really make that much of a difference in terms of “being surrounded by idiots” whether 51% of the people around you are idiots or 49%? Sure, I’d prefer the 49% scenario, especially if there’s an election happening, but you’re still surrounded by idiots.
…of the people who… 👌 live there. 🫲🫱
I also at first thought it’s not that bad, because it looks like the main part of the computer is “hovering”, because it stands on that round portion. But then I saw that the button is on the backside! Why? That way you have to reach around everything, making it impossible to fit the thing into some smaller space and still use it. If it was on the bottom but in the front you would still have your beloved button-less design but the button would still be pretty accessible.
Well, looks like many people are not “so over it”.
Also, should we really “get over” pushing back at racist shit?
Your argument is weak, you get an F. Go sit down and think about what you did.
Holy fuck he actually said the H-Word?
I know, the melody somehow started playing in my head from the first line. I still don’t know why they did it but I’m not complaining.
Is this not somehow illegal and could whoever created that fake story not be held accountable?
I have no idea where that came from but alright… Here’s your well deserved upvote.
And a metal scream and a metal growl are also two different things that both exist. That’s why I assumed they were talking about the former. ¯_ (ツ)_/
Not if done correctly. Metal singers do it all day long. It’s all about technique and heeding the warning signs when you’re not doing it right.
If you’re talking about the metal music kind of screaming look up “vocal fry” or “fry screaming” on YouTube. It’s a technique, and it’s surprisingly not that loud. Like you wouldn’t use a fry scream to shout at your friend a block away but on a recording or through the mic on stage you can’t tell so it looks and sounds like the singer is screaming their lungs out.
Also if you try it yourself make sure to stop before it hurts! If done correctly you can fry scream all day. If done incorrectly and ignoring the warnings signs you could end up needing surgery on your larynx. Have fun!
lol, is that this “small government” and the oh so free market that we keep hearing so much about?
Don’t worry, we need more of those too. <3
Then you’d have 0 dollars because they aren’t dorks. They’re nerds and we need more of them. ¯_ (ツ)_/¯
Not yet…
Why are they using Word in an exam in the first palace? Like, to write an essay? Our non-pen-and-paper exams were all using some web platform that worked pretty well.
Wow that was quite an encyclopedic post. Thank you for the good read!