Steel or stainless ain’t gonna give you metal poisoning
Steel or stainless ain’t gonna give you metal poisoning
But it has the benefit of not breaking down into micro plastics and getting into every part of everyone.
Yes, thank you for repeating what I just said, and justifying my desire for a nat. I do infact actually know a few things about computer networks and tcp/ip since I spent 7 years writing software to interface with and monitor them.
Except the NAT device will stonewall traffic on every port except the ones I open, for my entire network, and then I can just worry about securing the software listening on those few ports, instead of having to worry about the firewalls on every device I own.
Tldr default nat behavior is a state full firewall.
You apparently haven’t seen the video of a fsd tesla going full speed through the fog towards a train crossing with an active train.
The cars display didn’t even indicate that it thought something was in front of it, and would have happily driven right into the side of this train if the driver hadn’t taken over at the last moment. (Driver was an idiot for using fsd in the fog to begin with) but it shows the cameras can’t handle reduced visibility well currently, they saw the fog and just decided it was open road or clear sky.
Gonna be real here, I’m in tech, there is no fucking way I’m gonna open my PC to the entire fucking internet. Vulnerabilities are everywhere and no code is perfect. Firewalls and nat help stop so many attacks from the start.
Even if ipv6 is common I will assume most implementations will be nat based.
Technically since it’s the Chinese government throwing money at the business that would make them better at socialism than us.
Always a good time until your repo mirror hasn’t fully synced everything so you get updated Nvidia driver but an older kernel so your video drivers don’t load.
That was a fun hour until I commented out a few mirrors and tried a different one.
The biggest thing would be that a game under playtest is likely to undergo drastic balance changes and potentially even changes to core gameplay, a review of a game in that early of a state would likely not reflect the finished product, and is unlikely to be updated or taken down when the game is released, this possibly poisoning public opinion with content that doesn’t reflect the actual game.
Sure they don’t have any trust from the industry anymore.
It doesn’t have to be a legal document for there to be consequences.
The so what is that this writer for the verge will likely never be trusted with NDA type pre-release access for any other games going forward, and this may even impact all of the Verge.
This isn’t just a one and done kind of issue, this will be seen by the entire industry as a “can’t trust that guy with pre-release access”
Calling hades trash compared to anything is pretty extreme.
From what I’ve played hades has a better combat system, cult has a more direct narrative and more non combat stuff to do.
They are both great games, but do have fairly different focuses
You are misunderstanding, NASA will do exactly as you said if they need to. But they are a science and RnD organization, so they are focused on working on and attempting to resolve the problems that starliner has.
When they are satisfied with the data they have collected from the craft they will make a decision on how to return the crew and dispose of starliner.
The only dress code that exists in genetics is full blown nudity.
Fuck off you insane jack ass
They aren’t, it’s more “it’s the EUs fault for forcing us to allow businesses like cloud strike to write kernel level antivirus, because we already have our own.”
No but the canadian entire election cycle lasts about 2
Except since it was an antivirus software the system is basically told “I must be running for you to finish booting”, which does make sense as it means the antivirus can watch the system before any malicious code can get it’s hooks into things.
It’s not like Biden’s the only one, Bernie did it, and so did Obama. And those are just the ones I saw posted on Lemmy.
In Canada even if you lease to own a phone it’s not carrier locked anymore, you have to pay the remaining balance if you leave, or possibly can return the phone (but that’s just throwing your money away)
Better toss all your cookware then