Hey marky mark, got a little shmutz on your nose.
Hey marky mark, got a little shmutz on your nose.
Most white hat pen testers apply their trade under contract for security audits. A lot of companies, especially those that work for governments, have requirements to get security audits regurally. It is not outside the realm of reason to hire a company, lay out the rules of engagment, have them assign a team to try, try to break in, detail what they did and any vulnerabilities that were found.
The flip side is that these people are paid very very well to do this (especially people who will risk their skin on physicial security). They take a very “defense against the dark arts” methodology, the best way to teach people how to defend against attacks is to actually attack them and tell them where they messed up. For that reason, you get conventions like DEFCON where security experts from alphabet soup agencies, private sector, white, black and grey hats all meet to see what the others are doing. The presentations are a blast to watch, if you can undertand the arcane runes and rituals of the worlds best security wizards.
As soon as a politician attempts to do so in a serious fashion, they will have to fight the entire lobbying (see bribery) might of the insurance indistry.
Thats why im amazed Mitt Romney (IIRC he was governer at the time) was able to do what he did in Massachusettes (state mandated healthcare with a state run insurer, along with private entities not wanting him out of office). That system threaded the political needle, the dems got their state run healthcare marketplace, and the repubs got their “this is good for business” from their handlers, and once the paint dried, he still had the clout to move to up to congress and make a run for the white house. Later, the ACA/ObamaCare was based off that system, yah kids, ObamaCare is technically a Republican invention (say that at thanksgiving and see which relatives squirm).
Thats about the most “for the public good” model we could make at the time to make most everyone happy, and its not great. Some of the regulations like “no pre-existing condition denials” are pretty damn important now, to the point that .95 cant throw the baby out with the bathwater without pissing a lot of people off.
Agree, due to the politization of the case, its no longer about legality or justice. Its a safety issue now, I dont feel like this is an ethical pardon, but the country voted against ethics, so im not going to be mad at this.
If Harris had won then it would have been a very different matter, but the upcoming DOJ apointees will likely be 47s attack dogs and the biden family cant afford have any lingering cases for them to exploit.
I sorta dont blame them… Its not right, but I dont blame them.
Now, with return of darth cheeto and his ultra loyal crew of apointees, its now a priority to not have any active cases for the saftey of the biden family. 47 may seek vengance for any percieved offense, and the bidens going forward should not expect the DOJ to behave in the interest of justice for a few years.
The GOP can seethe and cope all they want, they laid the groundwork for this use of this sort of behaivior and uncle joe has not used it (at great expense to his sons future prospects, being national news for this long cant be healthy) up until this point.
Follow up question: how would this hypothetical educational reform even work? I fully understand that education funding in the US is very much at risk with darth cheeto coming back, but say you managed to creat this curiculum. How would it be different from what we currently have, and do you see a path of reaching it from our current system? (Would it require starting small with charter schools or is it something we could realisticly change with a large bill + funding)
Not trying to be a bother bear, but you proposed a solution so I want to see where the collective would take it.
How many roads must a man walk down?
This reminds me of one of the jokes from an old episode Fairlyodd Parents where they make Cosmo the “Rice President”, it sounds official but is functionally meaningless. They needed to give him a promotion, but not the power to do anything.
I got bored and attempted to do some monster math (this is chicken scratch and very likely wrong)
But if your going ~60 miles per hour that should be the same as 249658.8 smoots per mochie.
We left a bunch of retro-reflectors up there, if you got really good aim and a sensitive detector, you can bounce lasers off the moon. If you science hard enough you can probably pull it off.
Yep, it is a cryptographic tool that has lead to a comodities market that, while large enough to sustain itself for now, is mathamaticly a ponzi scheme. Someone will be left holding the bag, if you have friends invested heavily in crypto, make sure they have an off-ramp.
Fair, but they have 2ish sessions left before the term is over and its in the middle of the holiday season… I appeciate the correction, but any feet dragging means these dont happen in time either.
Point being, the things that can be done are minimal, other than being petty and spiteful (and leaving trump an upper-decker in the ovel office restroom, that one just something I would do).
Its about the most spiteful thing that can do at this point. All actually impactful changes will be undone immediatly. The one thing they can do is make all 45s fanatics re-buy their merch.
Idiocracy is the most unrealistic movie ever made. President Comacho has a problem, finds the most qualified person to solve it, listens to them (reluctantly) and then dosent take credit. That would never happen in any political reality.
That requires a bar to hold the democrats too, and right now that bar is dolled up in orange spray paint and lieing on the floor somewhere. The issue for the modern america is to resolve the spoiler effect. Without a third party there is no “voting in favor” of someone there is “voting against” someone else.
Im not worried about that, they wont let him, as a former president and current candidate, he has a secret service detail until he gives it up. Given the unique situation he is in, I dont think they would let him do that until everything is resolved.
You would think they could add an induction charger and actually make it “magic”-ly charge.
Oh, but I want a number. Its important for my bingo card.
Are you expecting some local neceomancer to raise Ken Lay just for a practical joke? Because I was…