Actions took place in over 50 cities internationally on April 15 alone, reflecting the geographic extent of Zionism’s influence on the global economy, as it profits off Palestinian, Lebanese, Syrian, Iranian, Iraqi, and Yemeni blood.

Ports were blockaded, such as in Athens, Greece; Belfast, Ireland; ports in Montreal, Halifax, and Vancouver in Canada; and Melbourne, Australia. Major roads were blockaded in the U.S., including in Chicago and Oakland.

In the Bay Area of California, the Port of Oakland was shut down due to three simultaneous direct actions. Activists even creatively made parking meters unusable by jamming coin slots and card readers, writing “NO TAXES FOR WAR” and “Parking tickets are a war tactic the state uses to attack the working class.”

Blockades took place in Oregon, Philadelphia, and New York, and dozens of activists were arrested across cities. Weapons manufacturers such as Boeing and Elbit were certainly not spared, with actions targeting them, their subsidiaries, and their funders in Britain and the U.S., while Valero, Amazon, and others were targeted elsewhere.

You can see some more examples at This morning [April 17], nine Google employees were arrested at Google headquarters in New York City and Sunnyvale, California, after staging a 10-hour-long sit-in in protest of the company’s billion-dollar deal (Project Nimbus) with the Zionist entity. The employees, who refused to leave, were put on administrative leave.

You may donate to this support fund ( for dozens of community members arrested in the U.S. for their solidarity with Palestine. These funds will be used for bail, legal defense, and support for defendants.